🍁•eleven - do I love him?•🍁

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The mornings here were refreshing. I tend to wake up early since I've been here and truthfully, I like it here. It's relaxing. Winter was starting - though I felt cold, I didn't mind the coldness. Hugging my legs, I was sitting outside just in front of the garden they had. The house was bigger than expected but I was never curious to go walk around the house. Breathing in, I listened to my playlist as Adrenaline by Lauv was playing. Closing my eyes, I rubbed hands against my face.

Feeling someone place their hand on my shoulder, I looked to myself just to see Edward. Smiling softly at him, he took both of earphones off. "You're up early again." he noticed. "Are you alright?" he asked.

"I'm good. It's just that .., I've wondering what my mum is up to lately." I confessed as he nods his head. "What's her name?"

"Eleanor. Her name now is Eleanor Jennings, I think." I said as he nod his head.

"I don't have time to search for her. Oh God, work is so stressful." I laid my head on his shoulder.

"I can order men to go on a search for her then invite her to come to LA. if you'd like."
Looking at him, I pecked his cheek. "I'd love that."

He looked at me as he got up, "Let's get back to sleep. I miss sleeping with you." he said as he pulled me back to the room, falling back asleep.


"I want to talk about my business here in Melbourne." my father said as my brother and I gathered in his room together. "Brendan, you're the heir of the business. I'll hand my company and my trust to you." he said as my brother nod his head, agreeing. "Chloe, my darling. You'll get 30% of the business profit every month, just take it like the monthly allowance I've been giving you."

Nodding my head, I listened to what he had to say.

As we left the room, Brendan looked at me. "I heard you're going to find mum." he said.

"Yeah, Edward will help me." I smiled.

"Chlo." he called as he looked at me. "How long have you met him?"

"About four months now." I said, "And you already with him?"

Leaning on the wall, I looked at him. "What's your point, Bren?"

"Not to be that person who'll break your relationship, but I don't trust him. At all."

"You don't need to trust him, he's my boyfriend."

"Alright then. But don't regret it when I say this ; I saw a picture of another girl on his phone - he was going through his gallery and he didn't notice that I was behind him. He was looking at a picture of him and another girl, hugging on the beach. I don't know if she's his ex or some shit but I don't think he should have that picture if they've broken up. Plus guess what, he fucking whispered 'I miss you', I know I'm not supposed to mess up your relationship but I don't want anyone to hurt my sister."

Looking at him, what he said was unbelievable.

"Thanks for telling .., but you shouldn't invade people's privacy."

"And fucking please, don't invade people's privacy? What has gotten into you? Do you actually crave to be love to the point that you don't care what your lover does behind your back?"

Walking away, I looked back at him. "Yeah, that might be the case."


Brendan then went back to LA to pack the things he needed, since he'll be living in Melbourne from now on. I don't think my brother has changed - he's still chasing for what he can't reach from all these years ; his happiness, and money. Waving goodbye to him, I started to pack my items as I saw Edward on the bed. Biting my bottom lip, I stood at the door.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

He looked at me, placing his phone away. "Nothing." he smiled.

Nodding my head, I walked towards him. "We're going back to LA tomorrow. You've packed?" I asked as he shook his head. "I'll go pack." he said as I replied with a small Alright. I laid on the bed as he left, looking at the date, I rolled my eyes. One more week.

One more week then it'll be a year since I broke up with Jonas.

It annoys me how I cried over him for months while he barely spent his time thinking how I was going. It annoys the hell out of me. Hearing someone knock the door, I looked at my father who was there, on his wheelchair. "Yes?" I asked. He smiled, "What is my dear thinking about?" he asked as I chuckled.

"Nothing much, dad."

He sighed as he looked at me. "I might have been away from you for awhile but I do know when my daughter is sad." he said as I chuckled, walking up to him, sitting in front of him. "I don't know, dad." I chuckled, again. "Things happened too fast in a year and I just need some time to take it all in." I told, looking at him. A sigh left his lips, "It's alright. Chlo."

"You're still young. It's alright to not have your life together yet - some people don't even seem to have their life together, even when they're aged. Things take time ..," he told as I nod my head. "But never let your guard down, ever. No matter how much you believe you love him." he reminded as I bit my bottom lip.

His sentence made me wonder - do I truly love him?

Do I need him or do I just need someone for myself?

Clearing my throat, I got up and gave my father a hug. "I'm leaving tomorrow." I said as he replied with a soft I know. "And I'll be leaving early in the morning. If I can't get a chance to say goodbye to you tomorrow, I might as well say it now." I said as I held his hand. "Goodbye."

Hearing someone clear their throat, I looked over to Edward who then said goodbye to my father.

"Take good care of her." my father said as Edward promised to.

I closed the door as my father left, only to find Edward opening it back.
"Is there anything you want to tell me?" he asked.

Looking at him, I blinked. "Nope." I said, sitting on the bed.

"Is there anything you want to tell me?" I asked as I looked at him. He closed the door as he leaned on it, facing me. "There's nothing to tell you."

He took his phone out as I looked at him, slowly nodding my head. "Alright then. I'll ... see you tomorrow." I said as he looked up. "Yeah .., okay."


Just noticed how short this chap is lol. I might be updating again soooon. 🌈

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