Chapter 2: Who Cares

Start from the beginning

I flipped them off as I got back up.

"Fuck you assholes!"

They all laughed as I stared them down.

"No wonder she has no friends."

"I feel bad for her mom."

I dropped my stuff as I stomped my way over to the football team. They smirked as I stood in front of them.

"Come back for more snarky remarks."

I clenched my fist and threw it against his jaw, knocking him back.


Everyone around us gasped, I saw Jason look from me to his team mate. He then helped his team mate up.

"What a bitch."

He groaned. He then glared at me, and I listened to everyone talk about me, all the shitty remarks all the lies.

"I'll show you a bitch."

I growled as I kicked him in the stomach, I groaned and I punched him in the head, knocking him down.

"Alright! What is going on here!"

The principle barged through the crowd and saw the football player on the ground and me near him.

"Sanchez! In my office now!"

I groaned as I grabbed my stuff and pushed my way through the crowd, I take a seat waiting for the principle.

"What you did today was unacceptable behavior."

"He started it."

"I doesn't matter who started it, we do not fight here at our school."

"Ok, but he threw a football at my head, is that tolerated!"

"No which is why he's suspended from the team...while you...well you have Saturday and after school detention. And I will be calling you mother to inform her on today's events."

"Really, that asshole started this and all he gets is football suspension, while I get detention!"

"Yes, now get to class now."

I groaned as I stomped out of the room, making sure to slam the door on my way out. Everyone gave me stares and either laughed or whispered. I walked by the football players, who all looked at me, I made sure to bump into Jason on purpose as I walked by, earning more stares.

I made it to class, on time, and sat down next to Billy, I sighed as I slept through the whole lesson. School went by fast and I was now sitting in detention. I walk in and everyone stares at me, I noticed that Billy was there, but ignored him.

"Well, at least your on time for one class Sanchez."

"Screw off old man."

He sighed as I threw my backpack at a table near Billy. I then sat down kicking my feet onto the desk, while I started to text, I text Miguel telling him that I wouldn't pick him up today.

"No phones Sanchez."

I looked up, and everyone was staring at me, the teacher looked at me, and I shrugged as I coutinued to text. He sighed as he got up.

"I'm going to the restroom, please try not to destroy anything while I'm gone."

And he left, I stared down at my phone.

"Look who thinks she's all big and bad just cause she knocked out a guy."

I looked up to see a kid with red hair. I flipped him off as I pulled out a stick of gum. He then started to make fun of Billy, I felt bad for some reason, so I stood up and walked over.

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