Joker//Special Part 2

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Wow! It has been a loooooong time and I've missed all of you so much! I've missed all the lovely support from my lovely readers. However, I am back now and I am sorry for being gone for so long. I have a very good reason for leaving without saying anything, just some difficult times. But, like I said I'm back :D so here it is as requested ! Part 2, hopefully it will live up to your expectations, as always let me know :)
Disclaimer:There is a but violence and 'could-be' sensitive material so read at your own pace and awareness. Also, I am writing the rest of this at 11 pm on a school night, so if it isn't super great. It is because I was unable to go back and proof read to make sense. But I really hope you guys will like.

Ending of Part 1:

"Its been a while since anyone has called me that doll, I go by J". He paused. "But I'll make an exception for you".

So many questions were racing through your mind.

Why did he leave?

Where has he been all this time?

But all you could say was a simple three letter word.


"Well doll, I have many reasons, it's a long story. So what do you want to know first?"

I thought hard, what could have started all of this? Why has he become like thus? Was it because of me? Has he told anyone, and excluded me? Finally I settled on my first question.

"Why are you a criminal?"

(Beginning of Part 2)

He sighed and ran his hand through his hair and fixed his gaze on you.

"Well now, ain't that one everyone likes to know?" He said as he laughed his sinister laugh.
"Well dollface, why don't ya get comfortable, it's story time with Mr.J" He finished with a smirk on his face.

"5 years ago Emilio had jumped off the roof and landed onto the trampoline and went flying into the concrete floor". He paused and looked at me, his eyes almost held sorrow and regret... almost. "You remember that, don't you y/n, you were the only one there who ran to his side. The only one who tried to aid him. The only one who cared". He whispered the last part so quietly it carried off with the exhale of his breath.

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