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Y/N Pov:
I woke up to the noise of all the guys cheering, quickly putting on my clothes and makeup I walked out my door to be faced by Jake vlogging.

"And here you can see the rare y/n finally awaking from her beauty sleep" He checked his phone. "At 2 in the afternoon." He finished ,grinning at you.

"Oh shut up jake". You said playfully punching him in the arm. He let out a low laugh. "So what are you guys doing here?" You asked looking down the railing at the pile of blocks. "Were playing death Jenga." You laughed, "for real look at the size of that thing". "Wanna join in?" He asked you as your eyes met. "Nah I'm good". You answered as he nodded in reply.

Your eyes wandered over to your boyfriends, the more childlike of the martinez's, Emilio. "Mi amor, Buenos días(My love, Good morning)". He shouted from the bottom of the stairs as you blushed.

You still got shy when he called you his love in front of team 10. You walked down the stairs to go greet Emilio. Walking over the him he put your arm around your waist, pulling you in to a hug, and kissed the top of your head.

" Hey Emilio! Cut the mushy stuff and play, it's your turn!". Jake yelled from the top of the stairs. "Cut what? I thought we were playing the jenga?" Emilio said with a confused look on his face.

All of team 10 burst out laughing as he stood there trying to process what he said wrong. After a while everyone went back to playing the game and so did Emilio. You stood next to him uploading a photo to Instagram that you had taken yesterday. It was Chance and Anthony's turn, Anthony was slowly pulling the block out as everyone watched in suspense and complete silence. Your phone buzzed, as you began to read the DM you had just received, you heard everyone cheer and celebrate.

"Y/N, watch out!" Jake yelled from the railing at the top of the stairs. You looked up as you saw the tower starting to fall towards you. You tried to run but your knees locked in place out of fear. You watched everything as if it had happened in slow motion.

The stacked blocks towered over you, moments away from impact. The jenga blocks were so close you could smell the freshly cut wood. At the last moment you felt a pair of hands on your back, pushing you towards the bottom steps of the stairs. You put out your hands forward, bracing for impact, your hands caught you but your hip banged onto the bottom edge of the step. You let out a loud groan followed by a loud yell of pain, but it was not your own. You looked over as you saw Emilio clutching his foot as he sat on the floor.

Your eyes widened. "Emilio!" You shouted as you tried to get up and hurry over to him. Your hip throbbed causing you to fall back down as tears threatened to spill from your eyes. Chance and Anthony ran over to Emilio as Chad ran over to you. "Omg Y/N are you okay?" He yelled, worried. "It's okay, go help Emilio first" He looked at you unsure then nodded. The three boys picked up Emilio and set him down on the couch, and doing the same for you. They set you next to him as you tried to elevate your breathing. You clenched your teeth from the pain. Tessa ran and got ice for the both of you, placing one on Emilio's toe that was now swollen and purple, and handing one to you. You placed the ice pack on your hip as you winced in pain. You brought one arm to cover your eyes as you head rested on the back of the couch as the other held the ice in place.

"Y/n.... y/n.....y/n!" Emilio said as he got louder each time.
"Yeah?" You said with your teeth grinded together.
"Are you okay?" He said, his eyes wide in panic. "I'm fine, turn towards me and give me your ice pack". You said getting up. He did as he was told. You gently grabbed his ankle and put it in your lap resting the ice on his toe lightly.

The rest of team 10 had already left to clean up the blocks and check on the Wi-Fi and floor for any damage. "It must hurt alot". You said as the guilt resided in your voice. "Nah I'm savage bro." You laughed quietly, "yes you are, but if I had payed more attention..." You let the words linger in the air. Your eyes stung. He picked up your chin making your eyes meet in the loss of words. "I'm so sorry." You whispered as your voice broke. "Its not your fault mi Amor, it is my decision to save you, anyways, you got hurt also". He replied softly. "Its not as bad as yours" you said.

"Let me see". He said. "No, no it's fine" you said refusing to show him. "Y/n, show me" he said sternly. You looked down. He slowly went towards your right hip gently taking the now bag of water out of your hands as he let his hand linger for a few seconds longer before pulling away. You sucked in a sharp breath as he pushed down the jean material just a bit. His eyes widened in horror. "Omg! Y/n! Yo-your bleeding! And it's black and-and purple. Ivan come here! get the first aid kit! get something! she's bleeding and bruised so bad-Iván ven aquí ¡Consiga el botiquín de primeros auxilios! ¡Conseguir algo! Ella está sangrando y magullada tan mal!(ivan come here! get the first aid kit! Get something! she's bleeding and bruised so bad)".He called out to his brother panicked.

"Emilio calm down, calm down it's okay, I'm fine". You pleaded trying to calm him down. "If only I hadn't pushed you so hard...its my fault." Tears fell from your eyes, how could he think that? "No,no,no,no you saved me, look at me you saved me, without you I would have been crushed. I should thank you." You pleaded again, your eyes locked. "Te amo" he said. "Te amo, amor." You replied. Soon all of team 10 had crowded around you, all helping to bandage you up, and bring more ice. "We're savage" said Emilio as he looked over to you, you laughed. "We're savage". You repeated.


Mi amor-My love
Iván ven aquí ¡Consiga el botiquín de primeros auxilios!¡Conseguir algo! Ella está sangrando y magullada tan mal!-ivan come here! get the first aid kit! Get something! She's bleeding and bruised so bad
Te amo-I love you

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