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A/n: I do realize I have written a chapter just like this one, but that chapter turned out to be really short. And I didn't really like it, so I'm going to retry :D
I hope this one will be better and that you'll like it :)  Thank You for the votes, reads and comments! :D

Y/n Pov:

"Guys, can we go now?" I said as I rolled my eyes. Chance and Tessa had been flirting for the past hour and I have been stuck here watching them. I hadn't thought it through when I asked them to join me to get lunch at Starbucks. So here we are, me sitting by my 'lonesome' infront of the lovely couple. "Ugh, guys, have fun I'm leaving" I said as I got up and pushed in my chair. I walked towards the door then stopped, turned around and smiled at them. Even though they can be too much sometimes, they were still such a cute couple.

I decided to walk home leaving the Team 10 car to Chance to drive. The weather was really nice out, a light breeze whistled through the air as the sun gently warmed my skin. It was convenient that i was wearing a thin tank top because I had jeans on. 

I was wearing my favorite pair of light blue gogo jeans with a white top.

I wonder what the guys are up to at home?

And what about Emilio? I haven't seen him in two days, he has been running off to somewhere and would never tell me where. And then he'd come home late at night and go straight to bed.

Not to mention he was always on his phone... What could this mean?

Well, Ivan did say they have been so busy editing lately, so maybe that's it?

I turned the cornor and walked through the gate. I unlocked the door and called out "Guys I'm home!" No reply, "hello?"

Were they outside? I walked through the kitchen to the back yard. "Hey Anthony have you seen the guys?" I asked.

"Umm no it's just Jake and I" He replied not looking me in the eyes.


"Is Emilio home?" I asked.

"Umm no" he said.

I whispered a small okay and walked back into the kitchen. I reached for the fridge till I heard a 'thump' come from upstairs. Thinking nothing of it I opened the fridge and pulled out a water bottle.


There it was again, this time it was followed by a deep laughter. That isn't Jake's laugh...

Getting curious I set down the water bottle on the counter and walked up the stairs. All of a sudden Jake quickly walked out of his room and bumped into me. "Y/n!" He said alarmed. "What-umm what are you doing here?" He said looking at the floor and scratching the back of his neck.

"Well for starters I live here" I bluntly stated. "And what is going on? What is that ruckus?" I said looking behind him and taking a step forward only to be blocked by Jake. 

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