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Quick A/N: This chapter isn't really the best but here it is, next week's chapter will be so much better, so stay updated. New chapter every Friday! :)

Y/N pov:
"Y/n! Come on already! We leave now" A thick accented boy yelled from downstairs.

"Alright, alright, coming" you yelled back. You walked out of the bathroom and looked at your self a final time in the mirror. The long-lengthed mirror showed your reflection in a black bikini, and y/h/c hair tied up in a messy bun. You put on some denim short-shorts, matching your black sandals. Quickly, you grabbed your beach bag full of everything you needed for the longest day of the year  at the beach.

"Y/n, let's go! Or else I'm leaving you here!" Jake yelled as you heard the door being opened. "Gosh, okay!" You yelled back and opened your door and ran down the stairs. Almost to the bottom you tripped over your own feet, bracing yourself for the stone cold tile, you waited.

Only to be pleasantly surprised by a strong pair of arms wrapping around your waist and placing you back on your feet. You slowly opened your eyes to see it was none other than your loving boyfriend, Ivan. "Y/n, how many time I tell you not to run down the stairs?" He said looking at you with concern and a bit of annoyance. "Well you guys were going to leave without me" you whined. "Amor, we would never leave without you, you kn-" he was interrupted by the honking of the horn. You laughed, "You wouldn't but jake might" he laughed also as you both ran out the door, he quickly locked it behind him. You jumped in the very backseat to the left and Ivan sat in the middle, followed by Emilio. Jake in the driver's seat and Erica in the passenger, Tessa, Chance and Nick sat in the middle row seats in the car. Anthony had a great idea to lay in the trunk. And you all took off towards Santa Monica Pier.

●In the Car●
"Hey Anthony how you doing back there?" You said turning around to face him.
"Uuuh a little hot but it's chill" he replied as you laughed. "Umm" you said searching around, "want some cold water?" "Sounds great" he replied. "Here just have mine" you said handing him your water that was in the cup holder. He mumbled a small thanks and you felt Ivan put his arm around your waist. You looked at him confused by his actions "what?" You asked. "Nothing" he said turning his face away from you as his hold on you tightened.

"Bro are you jealous" you heard Emilio whisper to his brother. And then his face lit up, "Oh my god!" He yelled catching everyone's attention. "Oh sorry" he apologized and everyone went back to their conversations. You realized that he had gotten jealous, but he also seemed mad for some reason. The rest of the car ride Ivan didn't speak to you or even look at you, he only spoke in Spanish with his brother. You only sat in silence trying to think of what you had done to anger him so much. You gazed outside the window watching countless palm trees and streets pass by, after what felt like forever you arrived. You all shuffled out of the car one by one, crawling over seats and out the door.

As you neared the beach you could smell the salty waters of the high tides. You took off your sandals to feel the grainy sand underneath your toes. After finding a spot team 10 started to lay out their towels, all consisting of one another's merch.

Ofcoarse, yours was of the Martinez Twins. You pulled out everything you needed, a book, beach ball, face-sunscreen, hair ties, and tanning oil. You held the last item in your hand for a while, unsure if you should ask your boyfriend to put it on for you, or try to yourself. You looked up at Ivan who had already taken his shirt off and was standing under the beach umbrella. He really waas perfect. "Babe?" You softly asked. He groaned in reply not bothering to look your way "Are you still mad?" You whined, upset. He sighed and look towards you and your eyes met, yours showing sorrow as his reflected the same.

He walked over and sat next to you on the beach towel never breaking the eye contact. He sighed again and ran a hand through his hair, god you loved it when he did that. You bit your lip impatiently waiting for a reply. "Baby, I could never be mad at you" he said. You let out a breath of relief you didn't even know you were holding and smiled at him. "Then do you think you could put some tanning oil on me?" You questioned innocently. He grinned "ofcoarse".

After he applied some oil to your back you took off your shorts and put some on your legs and arms, you felt him staring. "What?" You questioned, "Nothing, youre just so beautiful" he said making you blush. You awed and hugged him. "Awww ewww y/n You got me all oily too" he whined and you laughed.

"Yo! Lovebirds want to play some beach volleyball?" Jake yelled to you. "Want to go play?" Ivan questioned. "Nah, you go ahead, I'm going to go cool off". You replied. "Okay but be careful Babe" you giggled at how caring he was, "sure thing" you said and headed off towards the Ocean.

You could feel the cold water hit your toes as you walked further into the Ocean. It felt so relaxing, you could see the little fish swimming along with you. The sun shone high above as you continued to swim, you started to get tired and felt your foot cramping so you tried to get out of the water towards shore. Just your luck the tides became higher threatening to swallow you whole.

You tried to quickly swim away but you couldn't. You grasped your cramped leg and tried to yell for help but you couldn't do that either, the salt water started to fill you lungs and you started to go under The last thing you saw was a group of people running your way, you blacked out.

"Y/N! Y/n!" You heard so many people yelling your name. You opened your eyes to be blinded by the sun light and closed them. You opened your eyes again and saw multiple faces hovering over you, the closest was your boyfriends. You smiled up weakly at him "Ivan" you whispered raising a hand to touch his cheek.
He quickly held your hand in his.

"Oh my God, my baby" he yelled pulling up your body to hold you in an embrace. "I was so scared! You weren't waking up and I thought you died! When I saw you go under, my whole heart dropped, I couldn't, I couldnt-" You quieted him down by shushing him. "Its okay, I'm here now, it's fine." You said warmly. "Are you sure, do you need help... anything?" He asked very concerned. You smiled up at him "maybe help to the car?" You asked just wanting to go home. "Yeah ofcoarse." He said. "Well guess that's a wrap, time to go home!" You heard Jake yell at his camera and turned it off. Everyone started to clean up and pack up their things.

Once everyone got in the car you apologized to team 10 for ruining their day at the beach. To your surprise they reassured you that it was alright, and that you didn't ruin it. Even Jake was okay with it saying that it made his vlog much more interesting for the day.

Soon the day came to an end as you fell asleep in your boyfriends arms on the couch, as he protectively held you not wanting to let go of you.

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