No. No, no no.

I snatch it out of her hand and hold it against my chest as I glare at her.

"Emma. Give me. The. Salami." Lauren demands.

"Nope. Not happening Laur. You eat my food, but you're not eating this."

Her eyebrows raise at my statement, a smirk starting to form on her lips. "We'll see about that, won't we?"

Just before I can register, she grabs it from my hand and flees out the room.

I stand at my spot in shock as Anna and Jasmine laugh. I quickly focus myself back on the topic in hand.

Getting my salami back.

I enter the living room and see Lauren about to open the package.

That's when I fly.

Not really, but I dive onto the couch and grab the bag.

Lauren and I spend the next 10 minutes wrestling until Anna intervenes. She snatches it out of our hands and throws it to Jasmine.

Who then opens up the package and puts a couple on the plate for Lauren to munch on.

Lauren and I refuse to make eye contact for the remainder of the time at my house.

Why Me? Because of embarrassment. Her? Probably trying to not kill me.

Once we've all munched on something, we leave our school bags at my house, and leave.

Just as I'm locking the door, I began to hear a chorus of wolf whistles behind me.

Rolling my eyes at my friends behavior, I turn around giving them a playful glare.

Only to stare at the back of their heads.

Looking to the house next to mine, I spot thing one and thing two. Oh, and thing three as it seems.

I walk to my group of friends and stand beside Jasmine. Them, thinking it's their queue to attack, walk up towards us.

Dylan smirks as he walks over to Lauren while she's rolling her eyes.

Jason looks uncomfortable as always, however walks up to Anna.

And Lucas? He goes up to Jasmine with a mischievous smirk on his lips. Once they're all at their target, I slowly back away.

I stop mid step when I see Jasmine giving Lucas a glare. He simply rolls his eyes, and faces his direction to me. Lucky me.

He strides over to me, with the same smirk on his lips. And I instantly feel like he's the predator, and I'm his prey.

He's right in front of me in a matter of seconds, leaving only half a meter of space between us.

I hesitantly take two steps back, and he tilts his head to the right slightly.

"How was your day, Princess? Enjoyed the present I left in your locker?" The cocksucker asks me.

I give him a murderous glare, and tightly smile. "Yeah I really appreciated your gift, Lucas. Pussy's Guide on How to Get Laid. Nice. Asshole," I whisper that last part, however by the look on his face, he heard me.

"You'll need all the help you can get," he sneers. Oh little does he know.

I give him an innocent smile, and cross my arms over my chest. "If that's what you believe, then alright!"

He's No Good | ✓Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora