Christmas 🤞🏽💜

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          🍒Jasmin's POV🍒
Zach and I are upstairs putting my stuff in the guest room while Jack get more blankets " Here you go" Jack said handing me two big blankets "Thanks " I said and put them on the bed " So my waffles?" I said looking at Zach
" Oh ya how many do you want ?" He asked " Two please oh and some coffee" I said " Ok I'll be back" he said and left " Zach really likes you" Jack said out of no where " Ya but I Dont know if I would go put with him" I said
" Why not ?" He asked " I had a boyfriend once but he was abusive and he would treat me like his bitch " I said " Ya I also know Zach wouldn't do that but I've been scared to go out with some one bc I feel like I will only think of Giovanni". " Ya I get what your saying but I say still try or at lest tell Zach he cares so much for you and I have never seen him like this" Jack said getting up " Ya I'll tell him" 
" Waffles!!" Zach said walking in with a plate of waffles and coffee
" Thank you Zach" I said smiling
" I'm sorry if you Dont like syrup but I put some on them " he said
" No it's fine" " Ok good I just didn't have anymore hands to carry it " he said " Jasmin!" I heard Daniel yell for me " Ya?"
" Want to decorate the Christmas tree with us" he said " Sure" I ate my food and drank my coffee and run down stairs to help them
..after an hour or two we finished with the tree and the outside of the house " Man its so tiring when you have a big house like this" I said " Ya but its beautiful in the end to it makes up for it " Jonah said " True"   " Ok let's go" Jack said " Where?" I asked " To eat its almost three and I'm hungry " he said ..we pulled up to this  restaurant and a guy took us to out table and gave us time to look at the menu " Chicken strips and fries !" I said almost yelling
" Calm your self" Daniel said
" Sorry Danny but I just love that and I also want the Oreo milkshake" I said " Ooo Oreo milkshake where is that at?"  Corbyn asked going threw the menu"Last page bottom" I said helping him find it " Im getting that too"  the waiter later came back and we ordered our food and drinks " So I wan thinking at Jasmin has never been to Disneyland so why Dont we go tmmw" Corbyn said "Oh and Christina will be coming too " he said

//Ok every one loves corbina so much and so do I.. so sorry Megen Corbyn is going out with Christina //

" Really" I said looking like a 5 year old " Ya so you guys want to" All the other guys agreed and I sat there smiling knowing that tmmw I was going to have so much fun with these five boys and my new best friend Christina
•Skip at home •
We got home from the restaurant
And a little bit of shopping for some gifts for the guys ...the rest of the night we played games and watched movies
•Next moring•
"We wish you a merry Christmas we wish you a merry Christmas" I woke up to the guys singing around my bed " That's a way to wake up" I said smiling " You guys have the best voice ever other then Shawn " I said " Thank you" they said " We went downstairs and opened the presents "Wait there is one gift left" Daniel said running up to his room..he came back with a Pandora box and handed it to me " Wait you got me this?" I asked
" No Logan did" he said taking out his phone which had Logan on face time " Hey this is an early  birthday present and a Christmas present I hope you like and you better it was a lot of money " he said I opened the box and it was a gold necklace with a rose and a diamond on the inside of the rose
" Logan is so pretty" I said  " I'm happy you liked it Merry Christmas little sis and I'm sorry I'm not there to spend it with you" he said " Its fine thank you so much " ..I talked to him a little more when Zach.....

Heyyy peeps ya...idk what to say but I was to lazy to edit this one so I just left it like this and I lobe you all PEACE✌🏽💜✌🏽💜✌🏽

The little sister Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon