my crush❤

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❤Jasmin POV❤
" It's this guy that I met not so long ago he is older them me and has an amazing voice" I said smiling " We ment his name Jasmin" Chance said with a duh tone " Man rude" I said kinda dramatic " The thing is I dont know if I do like him because there is this other guy and his different me is always there fot me and always makes me smile unlike the others he did blame me for somwthing I never did " (Ya know you know who one of the guys she likes us huh 😂)
" Ooo so there is 2 guys you just don't know which one is better " Anthony said " Ya like one has been there for me more then the other but the other one makes me feel happy when I'm sad "
BUZZ BUZZZ BUZZ. my phone went off

Corbyn💭💩~ Hey Jasmin want to come over today I have some one I want you to meet

Jasmin💩😂~ Sure can you pick me up tho I'm at Jakes

Corbyn💭💩~ Ya I'll ttyl i have to tell her that ya'll be cominf❤️

Jasmin💩😂~ Ooo her and  ok bye❤️ 😂✌

Corbyn💭💩~ Y'all see bye 😂

" Was that one of them" Anthony said wiggling his eyebrow " No it was Corbyn asking if I could go over " I passed as some thing cought my eye over to the window " He wanted me to meet some one " I said again but then looked out the window
" Whats wrong?" " It just I thought I saw some thing flying " I said getting up and looked around
" Oh must be the new neighbors there moving in they have 2 kids your age you should go meet them " " Hmm I guess I will later tho I want to ask Jake if his ready so we can go eat" I got up and walked to his room " Hey you ready or still have some paper work?" I asked leaning on the door " I'm done just finished my last one " he said getting up and grabbing his camera " You and that camera " " Yup never leave with out it" he said we got in the car and drove to Dennys

🐼Zachs POV🐼
" Guys Jasmin is coming over today to" Corbyn said putting his phone down and cuting his pancake I get to see my princess I thought and smiled just thinking about her " Your princess?" Daniel said " Huh what?" I said kinda confused " You just called Jasmin my princess are you guys a thing or something?" Corbyn said Once he said that we where a thing I saw Jack get kinda sad
" No I didnt and we best friends " shit I need to stop thinking out loud " Oh ok" they both said
" But" do you like her Jonah said " I..ya I like her " " You like me?!"
I turned around and saw Jasmin standing behind me with Jake on the other said of her with a surprised face and Jasmin with her mouth hung open " Ya your my best friend of course I like you " once I said that her expression changed ya I do like her more like love her but I can't tell her right now in front of the guys when I tell her it has to be perfect " Oh ok I'll see you guys later " she walked away to another table and started at the menu *man I really fucked up *

❤Jasmin POV❤
" Hey are you ok" Jake said closing his menu and puting it aside " Ya I guess" I said showing no felling " I know you like him" he said " What how did - did you hear us" I said refuring to my talk with Anthony and Chance. " Well ya you guys are pretty loud so when are you going to tell him?" I satyed quit for a minute " If you hear the conversation I had with them you should know that I like some one else to and I don't want to seem like a slut liking two guys" I said " Your not a slut Jasmin and you will know who you really like when the time is right now we came for breakfast not for girl stuff so leave that talk for Ayla or Erika " he said " Hi I'm Jim and I will be atending you guys today may I start you guys off with your drinks" the waiter said " Yes thank you can I get an ice-coffee" Jake said " And can I have an orange juice " I said " Sure I will be back with your drinks " he said and left " Hey Jasmin" I heard a voice behind me say I turned around and saw my real brother Alex!

Ndjdjdj omg PLOT TWIST !!!!! Send help any way love you guys thanks for the votes and reads peace✌❤

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