Never Look Back

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I borrowed some fun, quotable lines from the LOTR and TTT movies in this chapter. It was just too fun not to. See if you can spot them!

Miredhel pushed a curl behind her ear as she peered through the darkness behind her

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Miredhel pushed a curl behind her ear as she peered through the darkness behind her. Her heart clenched in her chest, holding tight to the hope that her brother might suddenly appear. Long hours had passed since she had last seen the prince as they left him, shrouded in a swirl of white mist, waiting. His face at their parting had been a study of concern and grief. Despite her mixed feelings for Legolas, Miredhel knew that he would do everything in his power to help Eledhel, or any of his people for that matter, including her. She simply did not understand him. One moment he could be so gentle and tender, and the next, completely self-absorbed and arrogant. He does have some redeeming qualities, she admitted to herself with a smile, such as being the most skilled archer she had ever seen, and possessing an exceedingly fair face and body to look upon, and having a blessed ability to kiss.

If only he were not so disagreeable. He had behaved abominably when she had attempted an apology during the rainstorm. Perhaps his kind did not believe in apologies or humility. He was a Mirkwood elf. Miredhel struggled to look past that very fact, and for him to be their prince was even worse. He embodied the whole of the dark forest. True, she had never been there, but even now she did not want to go, not to that place, where grim trees soaked their roots in the blood of the slain.

Miredhel shuddered. She felt the absence of her brother even more. She glanced back on more time. Still, nothing. Only this time Lady Limaer observed her actions. The lady elf rode to Miredhel's side.

"Lady Miredhel, friend, thrice have I seen you look back into the night," she said.

Miredhel kept her eyes forward, not wishing to look at Limaer. She was still very young and though prone to folly, had a sympathetic soul.

Limaer was not to be deterred by silence. She meant to help the distraught Miredhel, whose missing brother she considered very handsome and eligible. It would not hurt to gain the sister's good graces. "Do not worry for them. Your brother is a valiant lord and can protect himself against this evil. And Prince Legolas will find him, for he is also brave and strong...and handsome."

"I hardly think that his charming countenance will fend off any dragons in the night, Limaer," Miredhel said and rolled her eyes.

"No, I suppose not," she agreed and looked earnestly at Miredhel. "I saw the way he looked at you before we left, the way he watched you at the campsite."

Miredhel inwardly groaned and then whispered words to her horse, Thorontal, to push toward the front of the company. Perhaps she could get separated from Limaer in the rush of the crowd, and the conversation would just have to end. She and Thorontal moved to squeeze into an opening between two other elves, but Limaer was quite the handy rider and she managed to stay at Miredhel's side.

"I could not tell, so I thought I would ask..." Limaer began.

"Please do not," insisted Miredhel.

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