Chapter 2

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I woke up to Kady snoring. I sat up and stared at her like she was crazy. I looked over to grab my phone. It said 6:37. Damn! I knew I couldn't go back to sleep and wake back up on time. So, I just decided to get up.

I hopped in the shower and brushed my teeth. I glanced back at Kady, who was snoring her head off. It was loud and irritating, but I would kind of miss it when she was gone.

Today would be a busy day. After I dropped my sisters off, I had to meet with a client. After meeting with my client, I had to see Kady off to her house in Tappahannock. I had to pick my mom up from work before 10 because her car is in the shop.

I hit the streets of Norfolk and picked my sisters up from Tidewater Drive. I parked my car and walked inside. "Britt! Joey! I'm here!"

I heard some footsteps upstairs and some chatter amongst my sisters.

"Aye, mom." I call out. "Yes?" She said, turning away from the sink of dishes. "You need a maid or something? I can make it happen if you want."

She smiled weakly. "No, we don't need a maid. But, thank you."

"Yes, we do need a maid. I hate chores!" 9 year old Britt chimes in. "Mom is always forcing me to clean the bathroom. I wasn't meant for cleaning!" She swings her backpack around and walks over to my mom to hand her something. "Wassup, Zee?" greets my 14 year old sister, Joey.

"What time are you supposed to be in school?"

"Gotta be there by 7:20. The bus leaves before school even starts, so we gotta hurry up."

"Aight. Mom, Pops still takin' you to work?"

"Yeah, and I still need you tonight at 10 to pick me up."

"Okay." I said, starting out the door. "Bye mom, c'mon y'all."

"Shotgun!" called Britt.

"You're not even old enough to be in the front!" Joey protested.

"Britt, you sat in the front last time. Plus, Joey's gotta get out first." I intervened.

Britt scoffed and got into the back of my black Lexus, while Joey watched with a smirk. I heard my door slam and immediately sucked my teeth.

"Yo, what did I tell you about slammin' my doors?"

"Sorry, gosh." Britt dramatically said.

I started the car and dropped Joey off at Norview Middle School and wished her good luck on her field trip. I can't remember where she said she was going, but I hoped Joey could keep her eyes open, because I knew it would've bored me to tears.

"Aye, Britt. Jump up here." I said, and she happily snapped off her seatbelt and climbed over the armrest in the front. It was now 7:23 and I needed to get her through the doors of Mary Calcott Elementary before 7:30.

Britt couldn't give less of a damn about school, though. The kid was in 4th grade, and didn't even wanna go on to middle school. "Can we just go to Chuck E Cheese or something, Zee?"

"No, you gotta go to school. Mama told me you've been actin' up. I'm not takin' you nowhere if you can't even act right in school."

"Ugh, school sucks. It's so boring. Can't we just skip, just this once?"

"Your birthday's comin' up, right? Okay. Here's the deal. You behave at school and at home for a week straight. Today's Thursday. So you behave from today 'til next Thursday, I'll take you somewhere fun after school on Friday. And guess what? I'll bring Kady."

Britt's eyes lit up. She loved Kady with everything in her. I knew I had her hooked now. I don't think I'll be having any problems with her.... 'til Friday at least.

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