What If?

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The two figures walked for what seemed like days, but, really it was only a few hours. Clementine held her gun tightly, clearly on edge as she kept glancing on every direction, Gabe had made few attempts to talk to her, but it was like talking to a rock. 

'So.. How old is AJ?' Gabriel asked, looking over at the girl as they walked before he quickly averted his gaze down to the ground, a grin crawling onto his face. He couldn't believe that he was actually here with her..

Clementine looked at Gabe silently, shaking her head. Slowly she was regretting letting him come. He was annoying- but that didn't mean that she enjoyed the boys company. She thought for a minute, shrugging her shoulders. She hadn't really kept track of the years.. 'I don't know, how old are you?' Clem asked, Gabe shrugged as well, avoiding looking at her. 'I'm fourteen.' He said, holding a proud face, glancing back at her. 'Then you're older than me. I'm thirteen... You're such a dork..' She said, a small laugh following after her words. She didn't understand it, he was such a dork but somehow.. He always found a way to make her laugh. She didn't like that. That meant she was getting attached, that meant... She took in a deep breath, slowly blowing it out. She shouldn't think about that.

Gabe nodded, now turning his head to look at her, his eyebrows furrowing trying to figure out her words before a goofy grin was plastered on his face. 'I made you laugh.' Gabe pointed out, making Clem shake her head. 'No way..' Clem said, sarcasm heavily hinted in her voice as she playfully rolled her eyes. 'Yeah.. No way..' Gabe said, looking to the side as he scratched the back of his neck. He felt his face heat up as she look at him, making him feel somewhat uncomfortable, not in a bad way, though.        Clementine sighed, reaching out and and softly punching his shoulder in a playful way.

 'Hey, Dork.. I think that you're a good friend. I haven't had a someone.. Do this for me in a long time. Goes to show; Not all of the Garcia men are assholes.. And, that there are still some good people out there.' She said, hugging her arms, her face quickly going from a smile to a straight face as she glanced around, on the lookout for any walker. Gabe furrowed her eyebrows, all Garcia men? His face burned more, 'O..oh. So, you're saying that I'm?' He stopped, glancing back at her. 'I'm saying that you're nice and you look out for your friends and DON'T sell me out. You're not a asshole.' Clementine quickly explained.

There was a moment of silence. No one said anything for about an hour. Gabe never really liked this, it made him feel on edge and reminded him of being in that stupid ass van. It smelled like shit, worked like shit and it was just.. A pile of shit.

'What happened to your parents? You.. Never talk about your past, and even if I asked what Javi knew he always said to ask you.. You and him are, ugh.. Close.' Gabe spoke up, finally tired of the quiet. A frown formed on Clem's lips, wiping sweat from her forehead. It was hot. 'I don't know. They.. I lived in Georgia, Atlanta, actually. They were out when everything happened. In Savannah, I was left with a babysitter.' She said in a quiet voice, looking off to the side, hugging her arm. 'So.. Your babysitter took care of you?' Gabe asked, now extremely curious of her story. 

'No. My babysitter died. I stayed in my tree house. Alone. Until this guy-- Lee, he found me. Took care of me, but.. I... He died because of me.' Clem said, her voice cracking as she spoke, letting out a sad sigh. 'Hey, Gabe?' She asked, looking over at him. He nodded, furrowing his eyes, 'Yeah?' Gabe asked, Clem took a moment to respond, debating on whether or not to speak.

'Don't ever let your guard down.. People always die. No matter if you feel safe, don't let your guard down. I've seen it. So many groups, so many people.. Gone. In the blink of an eye. If you can't do that for yourself, then do it for me. Don't let people say you cant do something, you can. I know, no matter what you do, or want to do. Don't let people hold your back. Because after I find AJ, I'm going to leave. Be on my own.' The young female explained, the carefree look from Gabe's face left, 'You're.. Leaving?' He asked, taking in a breathe, trying to  process her words. He knew that she could probably take care of herself, he kind of looked up to her. She was someone that he could never be, he couldn't be tough, he couldn't be smart.. He was just.. Gabriel Garcia. Not Clementine, the person no one saw as a child. 'You can't leave, y-you'll be safe. I know it! Why do you think like that? Think like.. Like everyone is bad, that you HAVE to be alone.. I want to get to know you Clem, I want to be your friend. You're the first friend I've had in years, you cant leave.' Gabe said, his voice cracking, not in a sad way, but in a, "I'm growing into a teenager," way.

Clem furrowed her eyebrows, looking at him but before to her feet as she stopped walking, crossing her arms.

'You don't understand, Gabe..' Clem said softly, she didn't want to get attached.. At least anymore than she already was.

'What if I want to know? I-I want to understand!' Gabe quickly responded, stopping to look back at her, he had never felt like this, he didn't want to loose this feeling.. The feeling of this.. He couldn't explain it.

'What if I don't want you to understand? I've lost enough, people.. I don't want friends. I don't want people to be around me. You cant understand that, Gabe..' Clem said, looking up at him with narrowed eyes, she was getting mad almost.. She didn't want to stay on this topic.

'But why? People... You need them. You just cant spend all your time alone, Clem.' Said Gabe, he was mostly saying it for his sake. He didn't want her getting hurt, and if she did no one would know. And, she was his friend. The only real friend his age, anyway. He just wanted to hold onto something like that for as long as he could. And.. He knew he'd never be able to find a girl like Clementine again, he liked how she talked, how through all of her past scars she was still able to smile, even if she didn't think like that.

'I don't need them, you.. You've never seen people closest to you die, and all you can do is blame yourself. You've never had to.. Act like an adult because that was what was expected of you, you've never walked through hordes, you've.. You're not tough. You're a dork.. But that's shit I've been through, stuff I cant go back to, stuff I regret. I don't want to see more people die. Never again. That's why I want to be alone. No, I NEED to be alone.. Maybe I'll visit Richmond.. Maybe not.. I'll think about it. Now, let's just fucking go.' Clementine muttered, pushing past Gabe as she once again began their walk. She didn't like talking about her past. After Wellionton and having to leave Kenny she just didn't want to. She missed Kenny.. Even if he was an asshole.. He was almost like a father figure to her- no, he was her father figure. Acted like it. He made the decision to leave the two children he loved more than his own life to strangers just so they'd be happy and safe.. A frown formed at the thought. She really did miss Kenny..

Gabe slowly followed behind her, watching her expression, what was wrong? He really didn't understand.. She was happy one minute then sad the next. It confused him. He just wanted to be by her side, be her friend when no one wasn't- His face once again became hot. What was his thinking? She didn't want to.. Date him. She was too cool, she said it so herself. He was just a dork.. He sighed, the sun slowly set as they walked down the road. 

Another day gone, they would never find AJ at this rate.

Why Must You Leave Me (Gabentine. Gabe x Clementine Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now