Chapter 3 ~ A Life-Changing Person

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The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.                  ~ Albert Einstein 

     I am so happy to tell you that someone finally comes into Albert's life who does believe in him. It's his sister Maja (MA-ya). No matter how terrible the school day was, he knew he could come home to someone who wouldn't criticize him. Instead she encouraged him. She told him what was right about him, and not always what was wrong.

     Do you have someone in your life like that? If you do, give them a big hug now :-) Are you like that for someone else? Give yourself a big hug! You are helping them imagine the big person they can become :-)

     Albert's confidence in himself is now beginning to grow. He starts to imagine how big he could be rather than how small, slow, and behind he was being told he was

     School is still tough though; it's strict and boring, but he's starting to speak up and ask questions. He's  trying harder and his grades are starting to rise. And he's realizing that even if he finds school boring it doesn't mean his learning has to be. He can use school to practice using his brain to think while he's there! 

     He's realizing he can ask himself big questions and spend the day answering them whether his teachers were asking him or not. 

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