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     This is dedicated to my mother, Margaret J. Stuart, who never let me feel small and always made me think big. She filled my heart with love even when she needed at times to to fill my head with criticism. It was constructive feedback that made me think bigger and not critical destruction that made me feel smaller. I became a big-hearted thinker because of it. I became more because of her. 

     Mom had a hand in writing this book. In preparing for a 2011 trip to study some of history's greatest thinkers I wrote a book on Einstein. She read the 17-chapter draft and told me she didn't like it; it didn't have "my voice". She said it wasn't as inspirational as she knew I could make it be, and to go to Europe and become truly inspired by him and then revise it.

     She was right. I sat where he sat, walked where he walked, ate where he ate, and even pretended to play the violin in his house where he would play it and have breakthrough moments on a problem that was stopping him.

     Then life got in the way. My teaching took precedence over my writing and Mom passed away before I could finish the book. I'm picking it up again after being asked by my siblings to write something inspirational for my niece and nephews this Christmas, something Mom had always asked me to do, too. It looks like life has come full circle and maybe my journey is unfolding exactly as it should be. 

     So to Kaden and Khloe, Jack and Gavin, Christopher and Ryan, to all the children of my extended family such as Emerson, and to my own children, Brosden, Iszabella, and Sofìa.......we, Grandma Busha and I, hope this story of Albert Einstein inspires you to always think big, even when you're feeling small. 

     We believe in you.

                                                                                                  Adam Stuart, December 25, 2017

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