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"Watchman," whom I usually refer to as Asshole, is not actually an employee of "the Company," just a specialist that works exclusively by contract.  The exact nature of his expertise and purpose of his current contract appears to be common knowledge to all but myself.  Warlike depends heavily on him, which means he must be good at whatever it is he does. 

For someone who is not part of the organization he sure hangs around a lot.  Not only that, he has a vested interest in pissing me off.  How can you be a professional anything when you can’t even take the time to comb your hair or clean your jacket?  The man looks like an AA reject.  As far as I can tell his talents include profuse cussing, chain smoking, and nervous twitching.  Tapping on tables, sucking on a toothpick, or pacing, just this ongoing litany of motion.  He must be OCD or ADD. 

Despite that though, somehow he manages to appear and disappear at will.  If he is not directly involved with what is going on you forget all about him, then right in the middle of the conversation he throws out some lame ass comment and we are all taken by surprise.  To add insult to injury every word he utters is an act of plagiarism.  Not a single statement is original, all of them borrowed from some TV show or movie.  I don’t think he knows how to form his own sentence.

He is, however, aptly named.  I’ll be in a training session with Bright Flame or reorientation with Ever Mighty and as soon as I step into the hallway I have this feeling that I’m being watched.  I am always being watched of course, there are cameras everywhere.  It feels like a temperature change or a drop in the barometer.  The first couple of times I shrugged it off and would continue on my way to my room or the dining hall-BAM, there he’d be, leaning in the doorway leering at me, a cigarette in his mouth.

{{{shivering}}} It’s so gross, I hate it.  The elaborate schema of lies that has been constructed for my benefit galling and insulting, but this, this weird pre-cog kind of way of knowing he is nearby is disturbing to the point of sickness.  He's the most repulsive human being I can remember ever meeting and I’m sure the most repulsive of the ones that have been erased.

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