Meet the Parents

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On MySpace they ask, “Who Would You Like to Meet?”  My parents. I’m going to call them Ron & Judy. For some reason I imagine them to be an older couple, almost like grandparents, or maybe aunt and uncle like Peter Parker or Luke Skywalker. Ron…er… Dad has owned a hardware store for the last twenty years.  He has five hardware stores in the same town. Everyone goes to him for their D.I.Y. projects.  And he's on the city council. After school I work there a few hours a week to learn responsibility. Judy…mom…ugh, let’s go back to Judy later. I don’t know what she does. I want to say she bakes all day but that is so utopian.

I'm going to say that we live in Suburbia where all the houses coordinate and I'm the center of their lives in the role as the perfect, college bound daughter they always wanted. I'm going to be blonde in this version to determine if it's true about them having more fun. I'm the captain of the division championship girls soccer team and my boyfriend…he's junior class president. I'm in a band, "The Screaming Eels", we do angry girl punk rock. I do this because I want to be known for more than my amazing soccer skills. Can't box me in, I like to keep them guessing. You know the almighty them. Those people you believe are watching you, judging you, saying things about you. You're like them, only nicer.

We live in upper middle class bliss in sunny California because it's always sunny there. Bad things happen in L.A. so we only go there for Disneyland. It feels like I should have a dog, but I don't. No pets ever and I like it that way. I guess I'm not an animal person.

My best friend, her name is Sydney, like the city, it's where her parents got engaged. She's from Japan, her parents moved here when she was 2 so they could pursue the American Dream. Her dad's has to spend the week in Silicon Valley to keep the dream alive so she only gets to see him 48 hours a week. She sneaks out of the house late at night to escape the forced family time only to appear at my window and we stay up until 3am chatting online and being outrageous flirts. She's the drummer in the band, I'm lead guitar.  We are looking for a lead vocalist...

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