Love is in the air ❤️prt 2

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I was pacing around the common area trying to figure out what I should get Raven for Valentine's Day.

I think i have a crush on her. Don't really know when I started to feel this way? Maybe it was when she had her hair long? It made her seem less tense. Or when she hugged me for accepting her for the way she is. Maybe it was when she laughed at my joke. Noo that can't be it, that was when I first met her. Did I like her this whole time?

I have to get her something special.

I race to my room and write a list of things I could get her: jewelry, flowers, chocolate, a teddy bear.

I have nothing at all. She wouldn't like any of those things she's not like other people.

Oh no I have no clue.

**************** LATER THAT NIGHT

Rae's POV

I know tomorrow is Valentine's Day and I wanted the get a special someone something I can't
I just don't know weather I should get him anything at all just because what if he thinks that I'm ridiculous.

Huh I don't know.


Bb's POV

It's morning and I have to get her something last minute. this is stupid.

Ok the rest will be the more interesting part lol just wait till next time hold ur hat folks🎄

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