wake me up

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Please; Stop this. Why won't it stop?
He was running as fast as he could. His heart beating like crazy, his lungs heaving to pull in as much air as possible. He heard the rhythmic thumping of fast paced footfall approaching him at a consistent speed. He catapulted himself over stones, fallen branches, and over piles of autumn leaves. Jimin glanced at his surroundings as he sprinted and his realization made his stomach drop.
He was in a cemetery. It was obvious now that some of the stones he jumped over were headstones and plaques for those that lie dead underneath his thumping feet. There was an eery glow that surrounded everything as a thick fog encrouched upon him and this demon that was pursuing him. The haze swiftly swept over them live a dense blanket, leaving him feeling smothered and suffocating. Why won't this thing give it up? What's chasing him? Why won't it leave him alone? He feels sharp nails pierce his flesh and ge stumbles back into the predatory embrace. He just wants everything to end. He is lifted off the ground and an ominous scene lay before him. The skeleton trees and broken fences are hauntingly familiar as he comes to the conjecture that the layout is identical to that of the neighborhood he resided in as a child. The one that seemed so perfect from the outside looking in. He wishes someone would wake him up from this nightmare. As he remembers he is suspended in midair, he feels himself being thrown to the ground.

And that's when he woke up. His forehead was slick with a cold sweat. His face flushed and burning. He was on the piercingly cold floor of his small, one bedroom studio apartment.

Why does this keep happening? Jimin thought to himself, whilst rubbing the areas he'd hit on the long fall from his bed to the floor. He had had the same recurring dream for the past few nights and couldn't ever seem to figure out what it was that was chasing him.

The only thing he can think is that he wishes he had someone that would hold him through the night. Someone that would wake him up when he has these dreams.

He groggily glanced over at his alarm clock that was screeching its morning death cry.

5:47 am

Shit. He had to be at work in less than 30 minutes. He had the morning shift starting at 6:00 am today and he needed to be there fast. It was his first day on the job and he wanted to make a good impression.

He shot up from his place by the bedside and quickly grabbed a towel as he ran to the bathroom for a shower. He turned on the water and the showerhead gushed freezing water all over him.

Holy hell that's cold.

He let out a string of curse words under his breath as he hurriedly shuffled to make the water warm.

Why the hell can't anything ever go my way?

He should as hastily as he could so that he would have time to walk to work seeing as it was about 2 or 3 blocks from his studio.

He walked of the bathroom into his bedroom with a towel around his waist as he scoured for a clean outfit in his messily packed boxes that he hadn't got around to unpacking yet.

He decided on some tight black skinny jeans and a loose fitting brown jumper that had been washed so many times it was a light grey color now.

He then went to his vanity and put on his makeup for the day. A little highlight, some eyeliner, mascara, brown eyeshadow and finally some baby blue contacts. He checked himself out in the full length mirror on the back of his door before grabbing his phone, wallet and keys.

He jogged down the street. Upon glancing at his wrist watch, he stumbled upon the realization that he was almost 5 minutes late already and he wasn't even on the same block as the shop. He sped up and got there by 6:07.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2017 ⏰

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