Offstage || Chapter 39

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Um, hey. It's Mike. I've missed you girl. Please call whenever you're free.

Michael left messages on my answering machine since Brenda's wedding. He seemed more than desperate at this point. On the other hand, I avoided him while Prince and I once again contacted each other. He'd finished touring as I mentioned and soon visited more often. At least I could drift to sleep at night knowing that someone didn't beg for my attention. Prince and I would laugh over the simplest things time and time again. Michael just...bothered me these days.

By now, Brenda and Craig visited Miami for the honeymoon and wouldn't return until next week, I jokingly wondered if B would show pregnant at my doorstep at one point. Considering how often Craig doted over his wife and love on her constantly, I wouldn't be surprised if B became a mother soon.

At the wedding itself, she gushed over the most adorable nephew. Even Craig recognized this toddler named Anthony. Brenda's younger sister Jazmine remained alert as she carried her son during the reception. It wasn't until she passed Anthony to her father Mr. Hughes that this poor young woman finally loosened up. I understood the worry as an outsider. Mom never trusted anyone to look after me as I grew up. Anyway, I've digressed.

Prince and I aimed to go out for the millionth time. Just when I slipped on my black dress, someone pressed the doorbell. My bare feet moved along the wooden floor toward a foyer. Before long, I reached over to open the door. Moments later, Prince closed the door behind himself and noticed everything before his eyes.

"I'm here." Prince answered before I could even greet him. Otherwise, silence entered the foyer. Skip locked the door and boldly walked around me. I wasn't even finished dressing up and this man bit his lip, scoping me up and down. I shook my curly hair, amused. I nearly marveled at his boots to stop myself from drooling right now. His eyes concentrated on me with even more lust than before.

"You look amazing." I whispered to him for once. Prince blushed out of nowhere. I closed space between us and kissed his cheek for a moment. We emotional melted in front of each other and Prince reached out to hold my hand. We drifted right back into my bedroom moments later.

"How's everything?" Prince questioned me with an untold smile in his voice. I'd already walked back into that dim space. Skipper now sat on the edge of my bed waiting. I clipped on earrings carefully and responded. Quiet Storm gently echoed from my stereo nearby.

"I'm good. You?" I took another moment to turn around face him. Prince glanced downward to remove invisible lint. I nearly envied his fashion statement of pants right now. Regardless of how gender-less people called him or whatever, the man could dress without coming off as too tacky. I loved him in that chic sense.

"I'm fine, but I've thought about you, Mama." Prince shrunk his usually low voice in one way or another. I instantly blushed. Like I've said, Prince never forced anything between us. Everything down to flirtation seemed natural. Time and time again, I felt safe and just happy around this otherwise complicated man.

"In what sense?" I grinned once more while putting on my favorite strapped heels. A completely different limousine would arrive minutes from now. Prince most likely parked his motorcycle right on the street tonight. Considering the late-night hour, I thank the heavens that fans wouldn't bombard us for. Anything could've happened in broad daylight otherwise.

"I missed your company and we've haven't really seen each other since coming back from the wedding. By the way, you looked gorgeous that day, darlin'." Prince finally spoke up again. I would've hated if Prince missed out on our "date" this evening. Right now, we blurred lines in one way or another. I didn't even care anymore.

"Thank you." I laughed to myself once more. The music continued playing, but my ears wouldn't listen a second time. If I smiled again, my dimples would hurt. Skip had been charming to me throughout this conversation. I could wait to hit the town with him again. Our attraction sarcastically blew up at this point.



Again, she wouldn't call back. I lie awake near midnight thinking of her. I hadn't felt this broken over anyone since Brenda to be honest. Charlene cut me off for whatever reason since the wedding. I didn't know what to do, but my heart still ached for her. Why couldn't that woman understand that I still wanted her? Terribly. We'd swallowed enough pride to visit a special event together. What happened now?

In the end, I would never compare. My arrogance seemed to ruin everything three years ago. In one way or another, I just knew that Charlene wouldn't shift toward me if she always remembered my pride. I completely understood her reluctance, but still hurt. This woman deserved happiness as I've said time and time again.

By now, I lost for good, but couldn't take the loneliness anymore. Still, my heart would always ache for that woman. I would never ignore that truth again.

Damned indecision and cursed pride.
Kept my love for her locked deep inside.
And it cuts like a knife.
She's out of my life

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