Offstage || Chapter 11

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Author's Note: Check out Charlene's "Dancing Boys" at (00:13-00:37) of the uploaded video. Otherwise, enjoy this chapter and thanks for reading!


1987"Soul Train" (California)


I could've cared less if Michael threw a fit last night. Prince and I would collaborate later this year. I even flew over to Minnesota and watched Prince perform new records at First Avenue. It even took place the day before my phone call with Michael. Prince had created a brand-new band. Some people I knew. Some people I didn't. Either way, I couldn't wait to branch out. This band surpassed my expectations indefinitely.

Meanwhile, Don Cornelius sat down with Prince to negotiate. These men discussed my transition for the upcoming months. In the end, I would head toward Paris for the time being. If my efforts fared well enough, Prince would extend my teamwork with him. For now, only time would tell my future.

As for Mom, she felt elated. I even offered for her to possibly visit me here during the tour or at least earlier. Unfortunately, this woman refused. I'd tried to encourage Mom for years, but nothing worked. She found comfort in staying home. Yet, I always knew that she didn't like the idea of me traveling. She feared that my dream would tear me away from family. I understood, but wouldn't give up. For years, I specifically aspired to work in entertainment. Nothing would stop me.

Prince and I continued developing a bond. I wasn't exactly stringing Michael along for no reason, but wanted to take things slow with both men. Prince had understood my hesitation toward commitment. At the same time, we weren't just sleeping together, either.

I'd met several of Prince's band members, as well as countless sound engineers. Expert Susan Rogers blew me away with her own technical and musical knowledge. In the end, I totally appreciated the fact that Prince even considered joining forces with women. We weren't meant to exist as only sex symbols anyhow.

In all my years of enjoying music, I'd never seen Michael recruit women for a project beyond make-up artists, personal assistant, or even the or "short film" love interests. Bearing in mind his love for diversity and equality, I felt almost shocked considering his staff choices. All the time, men scored everything from music-video direction to even his management or security teams.

Misogynistic pig. I thought to myself.

Prince wasn't exactly a saint regarding females anyhow, but at least he gave me a chance. Shelia had been his main percussionist for God's sake! As I've said, women never even performed a dance routine with Michael unless these ladies stood in the background. I'd felt honored to possibly dance alongside Jackson years ago, but Prince opened my eyes. In short, Skipper truly noticed my potential.

Today on set, we'd reached the "Soul Train" line segment once more. I'd brilliantly choreographed something for this perfect group of male dancers. These men sported blue polo shirts and identically shaded hats. Syncopated, the fellas two-stepped and split. "Fake" by Alexander O'Neal punched from speakers found all over the set. 'd obsessed over the record for weeks now and jumped at an opportunity to work on this song.

Near the cameras, I lightheartedly stuck out my tongue and jumped with happiness while observing. My dancing boys had exceeded expectations. Hell, everyone had surprised me today. As usual, Rosie pumped along with the rhythms. I held back that typical urge to leave my post and dance. Regardless of that upcoming opportunity with Prince, I'd miss working with my "Soul Train" family. Of course, I'd return, but things wouldn't be the same by summer.


My answering machine flashed red with messages at home. I didn't know what to think, but poured a glass of wine. After pressing the right button, I braced myself. Anything could've happened in the hours since I left to work. While bringing the glass to my lips, I shut both eyes.

"Hey, Charlene. It's Michael. I'm sorry about our last phone call. I just don't understand why you won't give me a chance, girl. I made the decision not to hire you for "Thriller" years ago and you've resented me ever since. I don't know what to do. How could Prince's show be better than mine? I've seen Prince's female acts before. You'll wear close to nothing onstage. Why would you want to be part of that? Anyway, please call me soon. I'm really concerned."

My eyes narrowed, but I continued listening for more. I could only pray that someone else would beep into my ears. If I heard Michael complain again, I'd lose my mind. He berated Prince as if I wasn't over the age of eighteen. To me, I saw Prince's female acts, especially Vanity 6, as an example of feminine liberation. We no longer lived in the 1950's anyhow.

"Charlene, it's Skip. How are you? I know we just saw each other a few nights back, but I can't wait to kick off this tour with you. Honestly. So many ideas have been racing through my mind. We could start at any point if you really want. I'm just itching to start. I can totally see you as my partner in crime, "Mama." Let's do this. Have a good night and let me know if need anything. All right, ciao."

After that second beep, I sighed out loud. Calmed joy washed over my entire body. Prince had greeted my ears with his trademark low but pleased voice. Silence entered the living room I even reached over to drink my wine once more. I even giggled at his clever way of bidding farewell to me.

My thoughts couldn't even dwell on Michael anymore. Because of Prince, I grinned wide and fell asleep. 

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