I was never the type of person to hold grudges, to hate someone let alone dislike. That was mainly because I found no reason to do so. Nobody had upset or angered me to the point I disliked them, further, hate them.

However, shockingly I couldn't help but feel a strong ounce of dislike aimed at one person. That person being Mrs Snow. She hadn't hesitated to embarrass me, call me out for being late the second she saw my face. She had glared at me, scowled and told me off, all that whilst everyone snickered and laughed to themselves.

In that moment of staring back at her, my heart pouncing as I felt humiliated, I decided something to myself - I hated this woman. She was mean, rude and that for a reason I wasn't exactly aware of. I had noticed myself she would always pick on me and just treat me unfairly overall.

What added onto my dislike to her, she had kept me back for ten minutes when Bible study ended. She had pulled me to aside and asked me why I had arrived late and if there was any problems with transport, she would gladly be there to assist. I truthfully wanted to laugh in her wrinkly face. She was speaking to me in her fake sweet, sugary tone that I knew was just a cover up for her true self.

Not being able to do what I wanted to that moment, because it'd end up in a pot full of trouble, I had kindly, politely told her I had just woken up late and that it wouldn't happen again, thanking her for her offer. She had then smiled, picking up a packet of little biscuits and handing them to me. She told me to take them and I had forced myself to say thank you instead of throwing them back at her like I secretly wanted.

Now I was riding my bicycle to the stables. Before I had left home, my mother had instructed me to go the stables right after Bible study was over, to collect milk from Roman. I was running late to that as well, nearly ten minutes. I peddled down faster, entering the field which I would have to go through to reach the stables.

Soon enough, I had rode my way to the stables. Hurriedly jumping off and placing it where I usually did, I whipped a few strands of hair away from my eyes. My movement was fast as I pushed the door open and entered the warmth, slightly breathless from it all.

The second our eyes met, I felt my cheeks burn brightly. I wasn't expecting him to be here, rather the back of the stable. He was sat on a stool, a towel in his hands as he wiped them. I swallowed uneasily at the intense eye-contact, feeling my heart pulse faster than it was before.

"Are you okay?" He asked, brows furrowed as he glanced over me.

"Yeah," I whispered, clearing my throat. "I was just rushing, b-because I was late. I was late to Bible study and then I had to come here, and it's all Mrs Snow's fault because she kept me behind -"

"Bible study?" Roman interrupted, arching a brow, which almost seemed amused.

"Si," I murmured in response, flushed from the ramble I had idiotically let out.

He small chuckle left his pink lips and he grinned up at me. My brows furrowed in confusion, not understanding what he could possibly find amusing about Bible study. 

"What's the funny?" I quietly asked.

"I've never heard of that before... Bible study." He licked his lips, eyes intently focused on me. "Is it like a book club of some sort? Do you read a story from the Bible and talk about it? Write a review of it? Watch a movie maybe?"

I shook my head, before shrugging. "It's not really like a... book club. We do read stories from it, but Mrs Snow, the woman who runs it, she talks about it and interprets it into her own words, adding the towns traditions to it."

His eyes lingered, narrowing. "Do you enjoy it?"

I hesitated, before shaking my head, bowing it in shame as I done so. Not liking Bible study wasn't something for me to be proud of. Heck, it was the exact opposite. It was bad of me to not like it, that I knew of. But I couldn't help but feel that way towards it... It just wasn't enjoyable or interesting in the slightest bit possible.

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