Chapter One

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  • Dedicated to All My Friends From the KK Fourm

Adeline Burns' blue eyes shimmered in the darkness. She faced her bestfriends, Ali Marks, and Lucy Lauren.

"Shut up!" Adeline hissed bossily, clearly annoyed with her two talkitive friends.

The fifteen-year-old trio were hiding in the Swiss Family Robinson tree house in Disney's Magic Kingdom.

Ali flipped her red hair, and Lucy mimicked her by flipping her brown hair.

"Adeline, you know we love you!" Ali said, green eyes glimmering like emeralds.

"But, it's like..." Lucy checked her watch. "Eleven oh six! What are we doing and why are we hiding?"

Adeline gathered her long blonde hair and expertly tied it in a high ponytail. "I thought we could sleep here. But obviously we can't get caught."

Ali and Lucy let out laughs.

"Did you forget?" Lucy's voice escaladed. "Your brother! Richard? He's head Imagineer!"

Ali nodded. "Why hide when we can do anything we want?"

"I just thought-" Adeline started, but was cut off.

"No more thinking! Let's party!" Ali interrupted.

Lucy smiled mischeviously.

Adeline bit her lip, she didn't want to party. She wanted to have BFF bonding time. "Let's not."

Ali and Lucy did their best puppy dog faces, but Adeline stood tall. "I said no!"

Ali shrugged it off, and stood up. She helped up Lucy and they stood side by side. "Bye!' they said smirking.

SERIOUSLY!?!? thought Adeline. "But I'm your...your.."

"Leader?" Ali asked cocking a hip.

Adeline nodded slowly but surely.

Lucy laughed loudly, and turned to the staircase ready to go, but instead bumped into something. Adeline looked up, her beautiful face streaked with tears.

Lucy laughed nervously and backed away from the figure. "Ohhh, Ashton!" she said in awe.

Ali turned Lucy to face Adeline again.

"Well, come in!" Adeline whispered, looking down at her hands.

A hot, blonde, skater-haired boy, that had deep blue eyes and an amazing athletic build walked into the room. His name was Ashton Claude. His mother, Ashley, was Disney's top hair and makeup artist. She was also a stylist. Ashley, and Adeline's brother Richard were bestfriends. Therefore, Adeline had met Ashton many times.

Her bestfriends stared at Ashton with sparkles in their eyes. They had met Ashton a few times, and it was clear both girls fancied him.

"How long were you standing there?" Lucy asked Ashton, batting her eyelashes.

"Long enough." he said flatly.

Lucy took a step back, and Ali had a satisfied smile plastered on her face. "So you saw how horrible Adeline acted?"

Ashton didn't answer, he only walked in between Ali and Lucy. He drapped his arms on their shoulders, led them to the staircase, and swiftly moved his hands to their backs. He gave them a little shove. "Bye." he said faux-sweetly.

The pair ran down the stairs angrily. Ashton walked toward Adeline. She was still facing downward. "Adeline..." he said gently.

She picked up her head, but moved it in the opposite direction.

"Are you okay?" he asked a bit louder.

"Fine." she mumbled.

"I understand." he said sweetly.

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