-The lists of death-

Start from the beginning

lets see...

man dies saving two children from a housefire but abused his own family and heavily drank.

easy choice, it is hell for you sir.

I dipped the feather in the ink and wrote the word hell in neat letters in the blank area next to the name.

it glowed a soft red before vanishing off the list and the other names moved up the list, like people lining up in a queue

woman robs a bank and scams several people, having no money to pay for her daughter's hospital treatment, when she got enough it was too late the child had passed away, in her grief and guilt she too her own life.

right now I should send her to hell or even her next life but I wouldn't, I might be Death and have my own rules to how I sort souls but I have morals, I was modelled after modern humans after all with only a few things different as I am death.

little girl pushed her friends out of the way of an out of control car, losing her life on impact.

sometimes my reapers block on easy choices, heaven.

I continued on like this, sorting the people until the list was empty and made it vanish before two more appeared, they were yellower, older.

the one to the left showed the name of people that died and got their souls collected, still showing why they died and where the reaper sent them while the one on my right showed me who would die soon, these two lists always changing, updating like a phone screen literally, I could 'scroll' up and down them, the parchment rolling up of unrolling as I did so.

I sighed at the name highlighted in the 'to die' list and traced it out.

Max Silver will fall of her motorbike after trying to do a wheel as a rock gets stuck under the wheel, making her fall in traffic.

I give her this, she is a daredevil and loves to play with death.... lucky her that death likes her alive and breathing without any injuries.

"Death, come down here" I puffed the lists away and floated down, grabbing the necklace he held out to me.

it was made of silver with a red stone in the middle of it, the polished version of the red stone that covered hell and gave its red atmosphere.

"what is this?"

"this will supress the part of your powers that would give away you are more then a human, enchanted it myself" I grinned brightly.

"thanks Hades"

"anything for you brat"

I smiled at him, with this I might be weaker and as close to humans as I ever will be but as long as I can remain around Max and keep her safe from the lurking danger I'll be alright with these terms.

"I'll just remined you Death, with or without this necklace you can still be hurt, don't forget that in a really bad case you, death itself, could be visited by a reaper there for your own soul"

despite being death I could still die if I was shot, stabbed or something along those lines as I am technically alive and have a soul and as I said all that has those two things can die.

if I died the gods would probably make a new Death to replace me or that is my theory as my soul would be taken away and they wouldn't leave earth without a Death but I don't know since I am the only Death that has existed since the start and Life wasn't replaced either.

"I know Hades, I'll be careful"

"alright then, go back on earth and live a little will you?"

I chuckled at his wording and snapped my fingers.

there was a flash of darkness and my feet touched the edge of the roof of a high-rise apartment building of ten floor.

I looked at the necklace in my hands and passed the chain around my neck and felt heavier right away, I almost fell over and off the building but regained my balance.

after a little test run of my abilities I concluded I couldn't float, teleport, summon the parchments, become invisible or do anything that would really make me stand out a lot but I know that my touch would still be killer and my reapers would still answer my call or I would be Death no more.

I sighed as I crossed my arms and watched Max and her friend on their motorbike, appearing here for that reason, I saw her almost fall over but since I modified the lists she succeeded in gaining back balanced and survive the previously deadly accident, just like every time she almost died before.

Max's pov:

I froze up as the motorbike's front wheel touched the ground and pulled up to the side of the road, turning of the engine as I glared back at the stone in the road, heart still beating fast.

"are you okay? I thought you were done for as I saw you flail your arm out" Red said as she rode up next to me and stopped her bike's engine too.

I chuckled, slightly in shock and shrugged, I thought I'd died then and there too but luckily nothing went wrong.

"I guess guess death doesn't wanna see me die so soon" I joked to release a bit of the tension, making Red laugh and I couldn't help but laugh along with her.

I had no idea how I right I was with that statement.

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