"And you never will." Charlie stated bringing him back to reality and she got up and swung her legs down onto the floor, sitting herself up. She reached back to his pack of fags that were lazily thrown into the bed and got herself one out, lighting it up with ease and taking a long drag, trying to wake herself up. She rubbed her eyes some more in attempt to wake up more and she felt the bed shifted and Simon came and sat up behind her resting his arm around her waist, alcohol still coursing through his system. He took her hair and pulled it to one side as he started kissing her neck, soft and gentle, taking the cigarette out of her hands and putting both his and her cigarettes out in the ashtray on the bedside table. He put his legs on either side of her, so she was sitting in-between his legs. As he continued, Charlie could feel Sickboy getting more turned on, feeling his load tighten up in his trousers that were currently pushed up against her bum. she tried her best not to moan and show that he was winning.

"What time is it?" She asked, debating whether or not to stay in bed or not. She's not one for hanging out with her one night stands, let alone still being in the same bed as them when morning breaks. When Charlie had a one night stand, they were there for one night, and one night only. Nothing more, nothing less. Since moving back up to Scotland she built up a reputation for herself, knowing full well that everyone will of just known her as being a 'player' or a 'whore'; the latter being used on a regular bases. It got to the point where she thought that she'd never be able to get a guys attention for long enough for anything serious to arise from it, however in the back of her mind she knew she shouldn't get into anything serious. She wasn't that sort of person. But it only took a moment. Only a moment for her walls to come crumbling down like that were made out of sand. The moment was innocent enough, but felt like something more to Charlie. In that moment of pure innocence with Simon, and as her walls were down, she didn't have a problem getting back into bed snuggling up to Simon till afternoon rolled around; as much as she hated to admit to herself, she was happy in the intimate moment between the both of them. She closed her eyes slowly as Sickboy continued to kiss down her neck.

"6am, why you got anywhere to go?" She heard him reply. Charlie could hear the sarcasm dripping off of his tongue without having to look at him. She felt him stop kissing and so she looked back at him, she found him starring at her, and for the first time in forever she didn't feel insecure under the gaze of a man. Let alone a man that she'd taken a liking to. She snatched the fag out of the astray lighting it again and started to slowly lie back down, getting herself comfortable.

"Shut up" she snapped back, not knowing what else to reply. She always had a response to everything, yet all of a sudden it was like her brain had left her in the dark. She wasn't able to think straight with this idiot here clouding her judgement. Looking back into his eyes, he had slowly gotten himself comfortable as he moved himself to lie next to Charlie, lifting her up to only to plop her back down onto his chest. As she lie there, listening to his heart beat slowly underneath her, she couldn't help but feel her eyelids slowly get heavier, feeling dazed and confused about the events that just had happened and wondering why he hadn't walked out when he awoke. Why was he still here? He was the first guy she had had a one night stand with, that stayed the night and was still there when she woke up. Why was she feeling this way towards this guy that she was lying on. Feelings weren't her forte,, so she truly didn't know what to do with this feeling she had started to get in her gut. Was this what people where saying when they felt butterflies in there stomach? She was soon pulled out of her own thoughts when Sickboy spoke up beside her.

"So I'm guessing we're not following the rules of last night now?" He smirked down at her, feeling victorious, knowing full well that he would be able to break her and get her name out of her at some point, what he wasn't expecting was her reply. He expected something smart, a sassy remark, but what he got from her was the truth. Or as much as the truth as she was willing to tell.

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