25.A Not So Merry Christmas

Start from the beginning

"Hey when you know you found the one, why wait?", retorted Jin as he gave Namjoon a cheeky wink, causing him to turn red as a tomato.

"This is the best Christmas ever!", cheered Hoseok.

Time skip - 4hrs later

3rd person POV

"This is the worst Christmas ever!!", shouts Tae as he and the others duck for cover.

Currently, this band of misfits is under fire by the Serpents. With Shownu leading the helm, the gang carries out their attack.

"Hold your fire, dumbass!", shouted Shownu at Kris who almost shot Y/N. "now go and get her!", he then ordered the subordinate.

Yoongi kept a tight grip on his fiancée, wanting to keep her safe. "Y/N you need to get out of here. Now go I'll cover you.", he whispers and kisses her forehead. She grabbed him and whisper shouted, "No! I'm not leaving you. Now get down before they see you!", she argued.

He started to crouch back down but it was too late, he'd been spotted. Kris wrapped his arm around his neck and began pulling away. Yoongi tried elbowing him in the ribs but was hindered when a gun had been placed to his temple. When Kris cocked it, Y/N freaked out and jumped on his back, and began banging the top of his head with her fist.

"Bitch get off of me!", Kris yelled as he tried to wiggle her off his back.

"Don't call her that you bitch!", Yoongi yelled and stomped on his foot, hard.

"You are gonna-ahh eww!", Kris started to say until he got cut off by Y/N licking his face. Caught off guard and grossed out, he lowers his gun and loosened his grip long enough for Yoongi to turn the tables and knock Kris' ass out cold.

"Let's go!", he says as he grabs Y/N's hand and started pulling her out of the kitchen and leading her towards the front door.

They're almost at the door when they hear Mrs.Kim scream, "NO! Not my son.". They look at each other and head to the living room.

When they get there their hearts skip a beat when they see all of their friends being held at gunpoint. Everyone except for Wonho looked scared.

"Well well pumpkin I thought this would get your attention.", commented Shownu.

"Hey, this is about you and me! Leave them out of it.", Yoongi pleaded.

"The fact that you want me to spare them, makes me want to kill them even more.", he retorted with a smile. "Ready boys? Aim and-", he starts to give the order until Y/N stops him from doing so.

"Wait! I know what you want!", she shouts.

"Hold it fellas", he says as he motions them to hold off. "And what would that be dollface?", he asks with a smug look on his face.

"Me!", she answers, "You want me.".

"I do. Now come with me and this will all be over.", he said as he outstretched his arm to get her to come with him.

"I-I will go with you.", she starts to say and Shownu can't help but crack a victorious smirk. "As long as you promise not to hurt them. Any of them.", she adds.

"You heard her fellas. Holster your guns and take your leave first.", he orders and they comply. They holster their weapons and leave, heading towards the vehicles they came in. "Now let's go.", he instructs YN to go with him.

"Just let me say goodbye. Please!", she says while getting teary-eyed.

"You've got 30 seconds. Starting now", he huffs.

YN slyly takes off her ring and slides it into Yoongi's pocket for safekeeping. Then she leans in close and whispers into his ear, "it's going to be okay. I promise.", she says and kisses his cheek. Shownu tells her it's time to go, but first, she gives Yoongi a secret message, "it's Suho. Remember that.", she whispers before saying loud enough for everyone to hear, "Goodbye Yoongi. Goodbye boys.", and then she walks over to Shownu.

He wraps his arm around her and they disappear into the cold winter night. Leaving Yoongi standing there hurt and confused.

"What the fuck just happened?", he asked his friends. He looks around the room at all of their faces, and notices that two are missing, "and where the hell is Wonho and Jungkook?!", he shouts.

Meanwhile, the rest of the group is trying to figure out how to tell him that everything was going to be fine. Namjoon was about to speak up when Yoongi pulled out his phone.

"I have to call everyone. I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch!", he says frantically as he paces the room. Namjoon stops him by grabbing his phone and using his curse/gift of being the god of destruction to throw his phone to the ground and have it break into pieces. "Why the fuck did you do that you idi-", he starts to ask until Namjoon shushes him.

He digs through the pieces and pulls out a tiny thin microchip-looking thing, and he snaps it in half. Yoongi is about to ask what the hell is going on when the others throw their phones to the ground too and break the chips in half.

"What's going on guys? One of you better tell me right now!", he says angrily.

"Everything is going to be okay Yoongi-ssi. I promise.", said Jin.

"You promise huh? You're the one that brought us back to Seoul. You're the one that said Shownu would never expect us to come back. You lied! You lied to me and now she's gone and it's all your fault!", Yoongi shouts at Jin before trying to lung for him, luckily Jimin stepped in and stopped him. He figured it was about the right time to fill him in on what was going on.

"Hyung! Listen to me! He had to lie, it was the only way. You had to be in the dark.", he began to explain.

"What're you talking about?", Yoongi interrupts.

"It's all a part of the plan. That's why Kook and Wonho aren't here, they followed them.", adds Hoseok.

"The plan?", he asks and tilts his head to the side. Yoongi was rather confused. Plan? What plan? And why did the love of his life say it was Suho? And what did that mean?

He looked at his friends and said something that would rock his world, "Explain this plan to me.", he demands.

End of chapter 25.
{a/n: happy holidays}

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