Chapter Twenty Seven

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This situation scared me. Hell, who was I kidding? It terrified me. I had to weigh my options, but I needed more information. I couldn't just leave and not have some type of confirmation that everything would be alright. I was a planner and I liked to plan things down to the smallest detail. This whole transition included my son, so I wanted to make sure that he would be more than comfortable. But, as I looked down at my sleeping son in my lap, I knew that I had to do whatever I had to do for him. I couldn't be a selfish woman and want to stay in this city.

"Can I have more information?" I asked Shawn.

Shawn shrugged his shoulders before he began speaking. "For a while now, I've been looking at vacation spots on the low. I needed somewhere to go finish my album without all the media attention and pictures of me going in and out of the studio. Started looking at the Caribbean and found this six bedroom, and seven and half bathroom spot. I bought it about a month ago, and I haven't been out there to stay."

I was confused about why someone would buy a house that big and not stay in it almost immediately. "Why not?"

Shawn laughed softly, "I was supposed to finish up some business here, then head out there next week. Corey called about you, so it's yours."

"Wait, you're not staying there?"

"Of course not," he answered almost suddenly.

"Why not?"

"It's your house, Mel. It's for you and your son. I'll find something else and work on my album as privately as possible while I'm here."

Shaking my head, I knew that I couldn't go through with this. "No. I can't kick you out of your own house, Shawn."

Laughing, Shawn shook his head. "I never moved in, Mel."

I shook my head continuously. "How about you finish your album at the house and then do whatever? I can't take you from your work, Shawn." I understood that he was trying to help me, but I had money. My money wasn't as long as Shawn and Corey's, but it was long enough to afford a new house.

"Fine. The jet will be at the place in about an hour."

"That gives me some time to pack," I responded.

The look Shawn gave me was confusing as hell. He went into his back pocket and pulled out his wallet. Immediately, my guard went up. When he pulled out his black card, I was nearly ready to walk out of the restaurant. I didn't like where this was going entirely. I didn't like people buying me things, or in Shawn's case, handing me their bank cards.

"Here. You can't go back to the hotel or anywhere. I'm going to drive you to the jet, and we're going to the Caribbean together. You two are going to have to buy new clothes and stuff there." He held the black card out for me to take, and I simply rolled my eyes. I shook my head, and he didn't argue with me. Shawn was a sneaky person, I've learned. It was a trait with both Corey and Shawn. It wasn't malicious sneaky, but when they needed to solve something, it got solved regardless.

We left the restaurant, and just like he said – we were boarding a jet. I was surprised when Shawn made the pilot check the jet, and he went in and checked it after him. By this time, Julian had woke up, and I noticed that Shawn was quiet as ever now. He was sitting across from me, but I could feel every time he glanced at me when I interacted with Julian.

"Mommy, who that?" Julian whispered to me.

I laughed softly. "Corey's brother."

Julian took his eyes off of me and looked at Shawn. "Hi, Corey's bruva."

It was the first time that Shawn had interacted with Julian and he seemed a bit nervous about it. "Hey," Shawn said lowly.

"I know you not intimidated by no baby," I replied to Shawn's dry ass greeting to my baby.

Shawn laughed a bit and shook his head. "It's not like that. It's just you're real defensive with him. I don't want no trouble."

"The least I can do is kill you for messing with my baby, Shawn. Stop being a scurrdy cat."

Shawn was silent after that. "I may have to call Corey to trade places."

Surprisingly, the flight wasn't as long as I thought it was going to be. It was around four hours, and I was thankful for that. I didn't like sitting in planes that long, no matter how comfortable they were. Shawn's plane was more than comfortable, though. It was as if you could tell that he could live here if he decided to. We got off the plane and there was an all black SUV waiting, like I had expected.

The truck ride was full of me and Julian being excited by everything we had seen. Julian and I had never taken a trip out of town before, so imagine our first time being to the Caribbean. I could hear Shawn laughing at us in the back and I couldn't help but to hit him and silence him. He put his hands up in surrender mode, but continued laughing.

When we pulled up in front of the house, my mouth flew open. From the outside, it was already beautiful to me. It was more than beautiful. I thought my house back home was beautiful, but clearly Shawn knew what beauty exactly was. He got out and led us in the house. He gave us a tour of the beautiful six bedroom, seven and a half bathroom mansion. I felt like this was a place where I would lose my child. It was mostly decorated white, and I knew that wasn't safe around a child. The backyard had a large raised pool, with stairs that led down to the oceanfront. This looked like a beautiful place for a couple to come and vacation in.

"Hungry?" Shawn asked after the tour was over.

I thought about the last time the two of us had eaten and I nodded. "But can we get clothes first?"

Shawn looked at our attire and couldn't help but laugh. "Yeah, come on," Shawn spoke before leading us out of the house. We got back in the truck and were driven to a shopping mall. Luckily, it had a food court for us to enjoy after shopping. Can I tell you how embarrassing it was shopping for underwear with Shawn? I had to get the period panties, as well as the ones that I wore regularly.

With too many bags in our hands, we decided to quickly take them back to the truck before going back to the food court. After arguing about which place to eat at, we settled on Edoardo's. I simply had to keep Julian in mind. He wasn't a fancy eater. Hell, my son's favorite food was a two piece and biscuit from Popeye's.

"I gotta leave tonight," Shawn dropped the bomb right in my lap as we were eating. I felt some way about him dropping us here and just leaving us here.

I didn't say anything, but I was a bit upset about it. Our conversation was at a mute when we got back to the mansion. Julian was being a big boy by sleeping in the room that he had called his own. He said that he didn't need me to tuck him in or anything. He wasn't growing up on me, yet. Not tonight he wasn't.

I sat on the end of the bed in the master bedroom. Shawn was downstairs making calls, but I could still hear his voice, somewhat. He was planning on leaving in a few, and I really didn't want him to. I didn't want to stay in this big ass house alone.

Hearing footsteps coming into the room, I looked up at Shawn coming toward me. "I'm leaving in a few. You need anything?"

I couldn't speak, so I didn't. I simply looked at him. Shawn inched closer to me, getting himself between my legs. "You don't want me to leave, Mel?"

Again, I was on mute.

"Say it," Shawn whispered into my ear.

I hesitated before finally giving in. "I don't want you to leave."

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