"whatever Jess , that still doesn't give you a good reason to leave without me..." I spoke on the phone as I curled my hair getting ready for the date . Jessie blew raspberries "I told you I was looking for you like crazy , not my fault you were upstairs with Jacob was I supposed to roam the entire house searching for you like c'mon Ari you know I'm too carefree to worry about how you'll get home , plus I was tired and you're a big girl you could handle yourself and find a way to get home" she replied back . I shook my head and playfully rolled my eyes "alright Jess it's fine , you lucky I love you chick" I said jokingly "mhmm of course you do , now if you'll excuse me I have to go kick my brother's butt in black ops" she said before hanging up . I laughed...this girl and her tomboy ways !!  

I finished curling my hair and looked at my reflection then shrugged . nothing too fancy , just a simple beach look yet still eye catchy . it was almost 3 and Jacob would be here any minute . I smirked as I played with the curls of my hair . I will make sure I torture Jacob today . Promise this time..

I heard a horn honk and immediately knew it was Jacob . he didn't have my number so that was the only way he'd let me know he was here . I took one last glance at myself before going out to his car . he grinned as soon as I got in . "looking good baby" he said licking his lips . "you don't look half bad yourself" I said honestly . he just had on some trunks and a wife beater slightly revealing his biceps and triceps . he shrugged and focused on the road . the beach wasn't that far so we got there quickly . even though it was a weekend day , it was surprisingly empty . great , more privacy , I thought . "wanna drink something?" Jacob asked as he nodded towards a little beach bar . I shrugged "just water" he nodded as he casually took off his wife beater in one swift move . sweet baby Jesus O.O I stopped myself from drooling . he was trying to kill me...on purpose ! he smirked and walked towards the bar . I stared at his muscular back as he flexed knowing that I was watching him . I bit my lip and shook my head reminding myself to keep it together . I spread the towel on the beach chair and laid down taking my shorts and tank top off getting out my sunscreen . Jacob came back with my water and a beer for him . I gasped "Jacob you're driving!!" I said as I tried to snatch the beer away from him . he raised his hand up high above his head so that I can't reach it and I jumped in attempt to catch it but that only lead to me bumping into his bare chest . Jacob then squeezed me making my boobs squish against him . "boy if you don't let me go right now and drop that beer..." I said with a blank face ."what are you gonna do baby ?" he asked raising his eyebrows . I smirked "this..." I said before wrapping my arms around his neck and leaning closer towards him placing long slow kisses on his neck trailing them lower every once in a while . I started rubbing his bare shoulders and back lightly as I felt him relax in my arms . I kept kissing his neck and collar bone until all his muscles loosened and with a blink of an eye , I stole his beer bottle without him noticing . I hid the bottle behind my back and pulled away from him with a smirk . he stood there dumbfolded and confused but by the time he realized I took the beer , I was already half a mile away . I giggled as Jacob started chasing me . I was a fast runner but the sand was making it hard and he was somehow catching up really quickly . just before he reached me I managed to drop the beer in the garbage can just in time for him to grab my waist from behind , pick me up and throw me in the water . I got out with a mad look on my face to find him laughing "Ugh Jacob that's not funny I spent 2 hours doing my hair now it's all wet" I yelled at him . "that's what you get for stealing my beer" he said shrugging . thank God he didn't throw me too deep into the water . I sat up on my butt and my knees were close to my chest with my hands resting on the sand below me for support , the bottom half of my body was in the water and the rest was exposed to the sun . Jacob was standing near me his feet barely touching the water . I rolled my eyes because his eyes were stuck on my cleavage that was showing from my black and white two piece . I started to get up "no stay...I like the view" he said winking . I shook my head , time to put my plan in action .

"why don't you join me then?" I asked slowly running my hand up and down my curves . if I want to catch him the easiest way is seducing ! always works on guys like him . I swear you just spread the legs and he'll come running...and that was all it took to make him come over to me . . . . . . . . .

watching Jacob swim around and fool in the water was a marvelous sight . he was laughing like a little kid splashing me and playfully shoving me in the water . but on other news , the way the water rolled down his abs would make me stare at times and of course he would notice and taunt me about it . and don't even let me start about how breathtaking he looked when he slicks his drenched hair back when he gets out of water...

(I suggest you listen to the song "Popular" by Lil Wayne and Lil Twist while reading the next part :) trust me it helps you imagine the scene better !)

the whole time it was an extreme tease session between us , he kept pulling me closer to him in the water while making sure I felt his muscles around my body . that got a couple of goose bumps out of me "I make you nervous huh" he said smirking while still having his arms around me I laughed a little "I don't know why you swear you're bad Jacob , let's see who makes the other nervous" I said then I took the chance and straddled him wrapping my legs around his body in the water then tangled my hand in his wet locks . I took a deep breath before leaning in and kissing his lips smoothly . Lil Wayne's 'Popular' was playing in the background as I kissed him...

"ok I'm watching you baby..and thinking bout all of the things that I could do baby..." the song played as the world spinned around us making me forget about everything and everyone 

"on top of the world when I'm on top of you baby..." we both got drowned in the moment as my grip tightened around him . I was actually liking it and of course he enjoyed it . he pulled me so close as I started slipping my tongue in his parted mouth . our tongues fit together perfectly , I nearly melted . he tasted really good too , like sweet minty candy .

"spend the night with me and get popular baby..." the beat went on as I made out with him passionately...magically . I really was...on top of the world.....I was lost , lost for words , lost for conscience , lost for sanity , and I swear I was this close to losing my mind ! 

I was loving it so much, I couldn't stop honestly . but I forced myself to do it for the sake of my plan . I pulled back licking my lips .I waited until my little daze went away and my breathing got back to normal then left him there and got out the water . I walked to the shore and sat back on my beach chair getting dried as I watched Jacob still in the water , touching his lips in amazement . a smirk immediately spreading across my face....looks like I won this time ;)

                                     Jacob : 3 , Arianna : 2

Mind Games (Princeton love story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora