The Popular Group

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*:..:* Luka's POV *:..:*

Another day in school begins. Huh, no sight of Rei and his gang. That's a relief, he's usually here at this time, firing insults to either my friends or other people. I bet because of what happened yesterday involving Len and the others, Rei decided not to go to school today.

I open the door to the classroom and see some classmates waving at me. Because I joined Miku's group, I've been a very popular student since. The others are popular too. One of the girls who's name I think is Tako, runs to me with a paper on her hand.

"Luka-san, can you please sign my paper?" She asks as she hands the paper to me. I smile and sign it, giving it back to her after. Tako thanks me and gives me a hug as she skips back to her seat. No sight of Nero at all. Wow, this might be a great day for me and my friends.

Most of the time, we've been dealing with the bullies that tormented Teto on those days. Now, let's talk about our intense popularity in this school. Me and my friends are popular because Len's an athlete here, and he's won most of the sports games in this school.

   Next, since Rin is Len's twin sister, she's also really popular. Miku is the lead singer of our musical group, so a lot of people like her. Meiko is our electric guitarist and her rock songs really make her known by the school. Neru is the representative of technology knowledge in school, and everyone goes to her for technical issues.

Kaito is considered an artist here in school and his art made it's way to our school museum. I'm a poetic person and most of my poems were featured in most of our school papers. All of us are popular in our own ways and I can't really describe all of our popularities since that would take long.

Anyway, as I sit down on my chair, my classmate, Maika, asks me if she could borrow some of my poems for inspiration. I smile and gladly give her one of my most successful poems. Maika smiles and thanks me as she goes back to her seat. That's how popular I am.

Ia approaches my table and we talk for a while. I see Lenka outside the door of my classroom. Both of us go out and hang out with her in the sports room. We're sitting on the bleachers, watching Len practice for his tournament with another school. I'm sure he's going to win again. Len always wins.

"So, how popular are you guys? Are you so popular that everyone in this school knows your name?" Lenka interestingly asks us as she leans closer. I think she really wants to know how popular we all are because of the look in her eyes. Ia laughs and says,

  "Well, we're really popular because of Len! He's never lost any game and I'm pretty sure he's going to win this one!" Ia says as she looks at Len, who's now practicing his skills in baseball. Lenka smiles and nods her head as she watches Len do his pitches.

*:..:*  Gumi's POV *:..:* 

  I'm reading my favorite book as I walk through the hallways to get to my classroom when someone suddenly bumps into me. It's a stranger wearing a grey hooded jacket, his hands inside his pockets. I've never seen him here in school so I get kind of suspicious about this guy.

  "Hey, Gumi." The guy says as he waves his hand. Wait, he knows my name? Who is this guy and how does he know my name? I take off his hood and to my surprise, the guy I find is Rei Kagene, also known as the person who always bullies Teto, my best friend!

  "Rei, what the hell are you doing here so late?!" I shout angrily. "It's lunchtime already, which means you've been absent half the day! Are you skipping classes or something? What's up with you?" I say and look at him suspiciously. Rei rolls his eyes at me and says,

  "Look. I know I've been absent half the day, but can you please give this letter to Teto? It's really important and I need her to read it. Please, Gumi, just give this to Teto and I'll be out of your way." Rei pleads and gives me a letter with Teto's name written in front of it.

  "So, if I give this to Teto, you'll get out of my way? As in, right now?" I conclude, still looking at Rei with my eyes narrowed. He nods, thanking me, and then runs away from school. I pick up my book that fell and go back to my classroom to give Teto the letter.

I really hope there's nothing offensive is written on the letter, or I've just given an insulting letter to my own best friend. I hand the envelope to Teto as she smiles at me and she takes out the paper inside it. She reads the letter while I awkwardly stand there, hoping she doesn't burst into tears.

"Gumi?" Teto starts and looks at me with an unreadable expression on her face. "Yeah, what is it?" I reply nervously as I lean in to read the letter that Rei gave her. Don't tell me there's something offensive written there, or else I'll rip that letter up!

  "Gumi, it says that Rei is going to transfer schools."

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