"haha i get it" harry said

"OMG THATS HER CAR. i would remeber i bought her the plate for her 16th birthday while her dad bought her the car."

"LAD THATS HER GO! GO! GO! thanks lily we found her meet us at the hospital" i said.

i hung up the phone and ran down the hill to join them. i dialled the hospital.

"yeahh were are on bulvard and off central express way. a car rolled down a hill and there are 2 people in it and they are stuck hurry please" i hung up

in 5 minutes tops you could hear sirens.

everything was happening so fast i couldnt keep up but they did what they needed to do. in 20 minutes they were out and on gurnys. we found anouther car but it was emty.

we jumped into the car and sped to the hospital. we were quite. we met lily and niall in the lobby.

"how are they" niall asked.

we were speachless.

"HOW ARE THEY I NEED TO KNOW!!!" lily asked


"well," harry started, " liams arm was on wrong and they were both knocked out. nat looked ok just acouple of scratches"

my heart sank deep when he gave us the news. atleast it wasnt worse, lets just hope it isnt worse.


the doctor let us in to liams room.

"hey mates, hows it going?" he said

"LIAMMMMM" i yelled running in a hugging him

"ahh little careful im a little sore" he said

" sorry mate"

"so doc how bad is he" harry asked, i can feel the tension build up as we wait for an answer.

"well, do you want liam and nat or just liam?" he asked.

"both" we all unisoned sprizingly even liam.

"well," he sighed "liam just has a broken arm. with nat we dont know yet she is still blacked out." he said


" ugghh" i sighed. my heart just kept sinking.

"can we sign him out" lou asked.

" ahh we have a new rule change to where you have to be 20 or older to sign someone out so untill you can get and adult" he said

we all looked at him in disbelief.

"lou is 20 we have an adult" i said pointing at lou with duhh in my tone.

"oh, sorry he looks younger 17 maybe"

"YESS I CAN PASS AS 17" he cheered

lou and i signed liam out.

"can i borrow a sharpie real quick" i asked front desk

"sure" the lady said winking.

she isnt that bad , but my heart is for nat.

"LIAMMM MATE COME HERE I NEED TO SIGN YOUR ARM" i yelled soo loud i got sushed from down stairs.

after we all signed his cast, the doctor let us in nats room. right when i walked in i kissed her on the forehead so did the others.

"niall, lily, and i are gonna head back to the hotel. lily is calling her mom to tell her nats in the hospital and that shes going to be staying with us." zayn said

"ok harry, lou and i will stay till she wakes up" liam said. 

my head started to spin. still trying to soak in what is happening. louis is laying next to her. i sat in a chair next to liam.

"how did it happen li" i asked

"we were talking about dani on our way to the hotel and...." he trailed off

"liam please i need to know" i begged

" we were talking about Danielle on our way to the restaurant she said liam i need to meet this dani chick and for one second she took her eyes off the road and we got hit. she then asked me if i was ok then everything blacked out"

"SOO ITS DANIELLE'S FAULT" louis said all jokingly.

"NOO ITS MINE" liam said as he started to sobb.

it was the first time i have ever seen him cry. even when we lost X-Factor he still had a smile. i held him in my arms. 

" im gonna go get some coffee you want some" i asked

"sure" liam said

"TEAA MILK NO SUGAR" lou yelled as i walked out.


my eyes started to open. it was silent. i fully opened my eyes.

"liam shes awake" a british accent said

it was comming from a boy with light brown hair. with blueish grayish eyes.

"who, who are you. wheres harry"

HE GAVE ME HOPE!!!!!! (one direction)Where stories live. Discover now