Edd's eyes flutter a little then squeeze shut. "Mm-mm. Bright..." he croaks.

Kathleen stood up and turned the lights down as Kevin held Edd's hand tight "Hey Edd, that better?"

"Hey, yes thank you" the little nerd whispers. He uses his injured arm to try to sit up but falls back and hisses in pain.

"Don't try to get up, Eddward. My sweet boy, just relax. Do you need anything? Something to drink? I can get you some ice chips..." Miriam rushes off to get a cup full for her injured son.

"Where? What happened?" he whispers as she hands him the ice and he begins to chew.

"You're at Mercy Hospital, son" Michael said calmly. Kevin squeezing his hand gently "It's over, babe. Charles is arrested and in jail. He won't be able to hurt us for a long time."

"What?" Edd asks, still a little dazed from the medicine. "Did you go out and capture him, Kevin?"

"No, the police did. They got him and he won't hurt you or me ever again" Kevin gently brings Edd's hand to his lips in a sweet kiss.

Pieces of the day's events begin to flood Edd's mind. He turns to his mother and looks at her with tears building in his eyes. "He didn't hurt you did he, Mother?"

Miriam gives a motherly sigh and gently grabs ahold of Edd's hand on his injured side. "No, he didn't, baby. You protected me" she says softly.

"I did? I only remember..." Edd's voice trails and a hot blush crosses his face. He turns to Kevin and looks him over. "Are you okay?"

"Shouldn't that be my line? I used your taser... got him three times and then kicked him in the jaw. It was awesome!"

"Kevin!" Edd chastises, slowly returning to his normal self. "Was all of that truly necessary sir?" he sasses lightly.

"And if I had a gun I would have shot him! He shot you, Edd! What do you think I was gonna do?"

Edd's face pales a bit "S-shot?!" He turns to his parents and looks at him in confusion. "Is that why I'm here? I was shot?! How bad is it?! Am I going to die?! Do I need a new organ?! Will this be seen on my permanent record?!" he asks, beginning to panic.

"Calm down... that is why you are here, you were shot in the shoulder, it's not bad, it's already stitched up, you are not going to die, you need no new organs, and nothing will be seen on your record since that has nothing to do with this. It's okay. I'm okay, Kevin's okay, and you're okay" Miriam explained.

Edd sighs and lies back in the bed. "How long do I have to stay here?"

Michael takes a seat at the foot of his bed and lovingly pats his leg. "I can get you out of here in a couple of hours. There's not much more they can do for you other than knock you out with more drugs. You're not in any pain, are you?"

Edd shakes his head as he stares down at his lap. "No. It hurts a little but it's not unbearable."

Michael stands up and straightens his scrubs "I'll go find your surgeon and get them to sign off on your release papers. I'll see you at home, okay son?" He moves next to Miriam and places a kiss on both of their foreheads before leaving.

Once Michael is out of sight, Miriam turns to Kathleen and smiles at her. "I'm a little hungry, let's go get everybody something to eat in the cafeteria."

Kevin watched their mothers leave before looking at Edd again. "I'm glad you're okay. When I saw you bleeding, I lost it... I'm glad I just had a taser..."

"I'm glad you did too. I know you aren't the biggest fan of your father but I don't want to see anyone killed" Edd says softly. "So, everything is going back to normal now?"

"Yeah, babe. Back to normal... everything goes back to the way thing should have been when we started dating. I'm gonna love spoiling you on all these dates I have been dying to take you on" Kevin brought Edd's hand to his lips in a soft kiss.

Edd blushes and looks away. "K-Kevin..." He squeezes his hand with a soft smile. "Can we still go to the explorium?"

"That's the first idea I had" Kevin smiled.

Edd flashes a gapped grin and tugs Kevin's hand, trying to pull him closer. "Oh Kevin! I'm so excited, I could just kiss you!"

"You can, you know... it's just us here and I enjoy kissing you very much."

Edd giggles and leans over and captures Kevin in an innocent kiss "I love you Kevin."

"I love you too, Edd" Kevin gives him another kiss and relishes in the fact that his boyfriend and him can finally have a good, healthy, and normal relationship.

The Beginning of ForeverWhere stories live. Discover now