Part 9

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Edd wakes up when the sun hits his face. He looks up and stares in awe at the way the rays highlight Kevin's Adonis-like looks. His fingers gently stroke the near-invisible freckles on his cheek. 'I've never noticed these before. There's so much that I still have to learn about him...'

Kevin stirs at the light touching, trying to move away from the unintentional tickling. He pushed Edd over onto his back and rested on his chest. "A-ah!" Edd gasps. He cautiously places his hand on Kevin's back and strokes it, hoping that it'll lull the ginger back to sleep so that he can wiggle away. Kevin let out a long, loud moan and hugged Edd tighter to him. Edd's heart pounds in his chest as the warm body snuggles into him. A few moments pass before he accepts defeat and gently rubs Kevin's back as he strokes his hair, 'He's so cute...' he smiles to himself. He decides that a few extra minutes in bed won't hurt and tangles his hand in Kevin's hair before going back to sleep.

Kevin opened his eyes and realized that he was laying on top of someone. Looking down, he saw Edd asleep. He removed himself from on top of him and laid down beside him, stretching and yawning. Edd noticed the bone crushing weight lift off him and wakes him up. "Mh, Good morning."

"Morning... How did you sleep?"

"Very well! How about you?"

"Great, sorry if I crushed you. I tend to move in my sleep" Kevin stretches, feeling a few bones crack.

"No, it's fine. You just startled me at first" Edd giggles. "Would you like some breakfast?"

"Yes, I would. I should warn you, breakfast is a big meal for me. We can always go over to my place..."

Edd chuckles and rolls out of bed before reaching for Kevin's hand. "I usually don't eat much for breakfast. I'm sure I have enough to cover for you."

"If you're sure..." Kevin grabs Edd's hand and crawls over to get out of bed, following him. Edd prepares a breakfast fit for a king: eggs, bacon, sausage, fruit, french toast, and waffles were all lovingly cooked for the handsome football player. "There you go, Love. Eat to your heart's content!"

"You are awesome, babe!" Kevin dug in greedily, enjoying all the different flavored and textures. Loving it because Edd made it for him and him alone. Kevin had a bad feeling building in his gut and he didn't like it one bit, made him sick of he thought about it long enough. Edd notices a frown start to form on his face and grows concerned. "What's wrong, Love? Did you eat too much?"

"Even though that does happen often, no... I've been getting this bad feeling for the past few days... Like something big is gonna happen. Something bad..." Kevin made another face before he shoved a forkful of food in his mouth, beginning to chew.

Edd moves over and sits in Kevin's lap to comfort him. He gives him a soft kiss and smiles. "Don't worry, I'm sure nothing will happen."

"I hope you're right. I can't stand the thought of anyone hurting you" Kevin put one arm around Edd's waist and continued to eat, trying to get his mind onto other things.

Edd nods and nuzzles into Kevin "And I never want anyone to hurt you either, remember that."

They enjoyed the rest of the weekend together and hung out often. Edd was adamant that Kevin get ahead in his studies, and even though Kevin protested loudly, he still sat in the genius' home and went over notes. By the time that Sunday night rolled around, Kevin's father returned home and Kevin had his normal 'fuck off' attitude. The school week started and trudged along slowly, both the boys making the best out of irritating situation.

Kevin was at practice, dreading going home. As soon as his Dad came back, Kevin had a very strict curfew. Right after practice he had to be home and stay home. No one could come over either. His father was keeping him under lock and key... His Mom was trying but Charles Barr was not one to be trifled with. He was going to help his son be normal if it's the last thing he does! Kevin was reduced texting Edd and seeing him at school. They only have three classes and lunch together so Kevin made it a point to walk Edd to each class, holding his hand and giving him small, secret kisses in the hallway.

The Beginning of ForeverDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora