Part 2

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The next day, Edd takes a seat in the library and begins to quietly eat his lunch. He happens to look outside and spots a shock of red hair, talking and laughing with Nazz and Nat. The ginger looks up and gives him a little wave. He shyly waves back then buried his face in his book.

"So, have you talked to him today?" Nazz asks.

"No, I normally don't see him until after lunch when we have those three classes together."

"Ya know what ya gotta do?" Nat asked

"Nat..." Kevin warned.

"Ya go up behind him..."

"Nathan...!" Kevin cocked his fist back.

"And grab TWO HANDFULS of that plump little ass!"

"Nat!" Nazz admonishes.

"Yeah and I'll NEVER get another chance at him again. Thanks, but no thanks, asshole" Kevin relaxes with a small smile and another laugh.

Edd looks up and spots the group, laughing and discussing something. He decides to go to his next class early so he packs up his stuff and heads out of the door. He tucks his head and tries to scurry past the small circle without drawing attention to himself. 'Don't notice! Don't notice! Please don't notice!'

"Hey Double D!" Nazz called out with a wave from her spot on the retaining wall she was sitting on.

Edd freezes and nervously turns around. "Oh! S-salutations my fellow peers!" he says trying to remain calm.

Kevin smiled sweetly 'That's adorable' "What's up?" Kevin asked lamely with a slight blush.

"N-nothing. Just headed to literature" he says casually. "How are you all on this glorious day?"

"Awesome... Want me to walk ya?" he comes to stand by Edd, tossing a wave behind him to Nazz and Nat.

"Uh-Um! S-sure, if you w-want to..." Edd says giving Nazz and Nat a nervous glance. He wasn't sure why Kevin was suddenly trying to get close to him. Was it a trick? Was he actually serious? ...Was he really attracted to boys? And if so, what would he see in a nerd like him?

"Hope I didn't keep you too late last night. I know you like to get 8 hours of sleep every night" Kevin grinned.

"No not at all! I like to go to bed around ten every night!" Edd says brightly. "I'm not as much of an old man as everyone makes me out to be!" he giggles. "So, may I ask you a question?"

Kevin let's a boisterous laugh escape "What's your question?"

"Why did you want to walk with me? You've never asked to walk before" Edd asks shyly.

"Eh, trying to make up for all the rotten stuff I did to you when we were kids. Trying to be a good guy now."

" wasn't that bad. Not to me anyways. I will admit that you were rather unkind to Eddy though."

"He deserved it... I'm sorry, he did. Even you got to admit that" Kevin pouted.

"Sadly, I have to agree. He's not the easiest to get along with" Edd chuckles.

"Regardless, I was still a jerk to you and I'm sorry. So, I'm trying to make up for it! Simple as that!"

"Right. Well, I accept your apology!" He says smiling innocently. 'He wants to make up for it? How I wonder...' They reach their class a little early and take their respective seats. "Thanks for walking with me Kevin" he says flashing his gap.

"You're welcome" Kevin smiled and sat in his seat, pulling out his book and notes. 'Let's hope I can get some side eye today, too' he thought with a snicker.

The Beginning of ForeverOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora