Part 10

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Edd doesn't hear from his boyfriend and grows concerned but eventually goes to bed. During a bathroom break in the middle of the night, he sent a quick text before heading back to bed, knowing that Kevin was most likely asleep. When his alarm goes off, he jumps up and quickly gets ready. He's fully dressed and standing on his sidewalk within thirty minutes, eagerly waiting for the redhead.

Kevin comes outside and makes eye contact with Edd. He quietly shuts the door and makes his way over to the raven. As soon as he got within arms am reach, Kevin pulled Edd right to him tightly. Edd immediately holds onto him and squeezes him with all his might. "Good morning, Love. Did anything else happen last night?" he says with relieved tears building in his eyes.

"My dad confronted me about what I was doing and we got into it. Don't worry, just... If you happen to find yourself alone with him, get out of there. Don't try him, okay?"

"I'll defend myself and you if I have to. I may be small, but I refuse to be harassed anymore. Especially not from an adult" Edd says with an air of finality.

"He's 6'4 and an ex-defensemen... One of the best in the state. I'm worried you'll bite off more than you can chew and get hurt. Then I'll have to kill him."

"If it comes down to it, then I'll fight but I won't pick one with him. Don't worry, I can handle myself" Edd grins, drawing a smile to Kevin's face as well.

Kevin moved back to give Edd a kiss "Let's get to school. God forbid if I make you late!" he laughs.

Edd giggles and takes his hand. "I made you something special for lunch today" he says as they make it to the school.

"I get a special lunch? Sweet! That makes my stomach hurt less" Kevin said nonchalantly.

Edd frowns a bit then goes to kiss Kevin's cheek. "Let me take a look at it later. Hopefully he didn't cause any permanent damage!"

"You just wanna see me shirtless..." Kevin grinned.

"That's not a bad thing" Edd smirks seductively.

"Hah! I knew it!" Kevin laughs triumphantly before seeing the hallway his class was and he groaned. "Wanna skip?" already knowing the answer.

"Now Kevin, you know how I feel about missing class."

The red head groans. "It's not fair... She's so boring. Seriously, watching paint dry is more exciting!" The 5 minute bell rings "I'll see you at lunch, k? Courtyard like normal?" Edd just nods and quickly kisses Kevin's cheek before running off to his class.

Lunch finally came around and Kevin found himself trying to get the court yard as quick as possible. His teacher kept him a few minutes after class and now he was late. Opening the courtyard door he spotted his dork, sitting and waiting for him. "Sorry, babe. Teacher kept me late!"

"No, it's alright!" Edd says reassuringly. "How has your day been?"

"Boring and long... Wish it was over but I get to have lunch with the really cute guy so it makes my day better" Kevin smirks.

Edd giggles and leans in with an interested look. "Oh? And who is that?"

"This adorable little dork that lives across the street from me. He really means a lot to me" Kevin leans in a little closer, smiling.

Edd's smile widens "Well I'll tell you something if you promise to keep it a secret."

"I promise" Kevin smirked.

"There's this kid that lives in my neighborhood that I might have a crush on...' Edd confesses.

"Oh really? Juicy! Tell me the details!"

The Beginning of ForeverNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ