The Runaway

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Naruto woke up in so alley way. He was in pain he had been beaten again last night. He hated it everyday people either beat or try to kill him.

Then he herd a voice talk to him.( You should just run off and find some where else you can be. So you can be happy kit).

"Who said that" Naruto asked.

" I did my name is Kurama kit I am sealed in side your mind. But will get to that later you need to leave this village" Kurama said.

"Ok Kurama Ill leave this village there is nothing hear for me anyway. But can I ask you something" Naruto asked.

"Ok kit ask away" Kurama said.

" Will you be my friend Kurama. I don't really have friends" Naruto said.

"Sure kit I will be your friend you should leave soon then head south west towards wind country" Kurama said.

Four and half days later

Naruto had bin walking for ever he had no water in the last two days.

He then saw a buildings and headed to them have scribbling his name to sign in.

He wondered thur the sand village till he saw a bunch of kids running away from a small red headed kid holding a small teddy bear.

The was a ball a few feet in front of him. Naruto picked up the ball and went and handed it to him.

"Hi I'm Naruto here is this your ball"

"Your not afraid of me and my name is Gaara" Gaara asked him.

"No why would I be your just a kid like me" Naruto said.

"Everyone calls me a monster or a demon and runs away from me" Gaara said.

"People use to do the same and worse in my old village. So I ran away and came here. But Ill be your friend Gaara" Naruto said.

"You would want to be my friend" Gaara asked.

"Ya Gaara Ill be your friend believe it but before we play can you help I haven't had anything to eat or drink in days" Naruto asked.

"Sure we can go to my house and get that stuff its not far" Gaara said.

"Sweet lead the way" Naruto said.

Gaara led Naruto back to his house. Little did they know they were being watch my Anbu.

"I must report this to the Kazekage" the Anbu said.

The Kazekage sat at his desk battling his worst enemy paper work. When Anbu flickered in.

"Lord Kazekage your son was spotted with some blonde haired kid. It seems Gaara has made a friend" the Anbu said.

"My son Gaara has made a friend I must see this for my self" Rasa said.

As he got up and flickered home.

When he got home his son playing and running around and being a kid for the first time in his life. He felt pride in his boy. Then his eye came to the blonde boy that was playing with his son.

The boy was a small clone of Minato with whiskers. So you did survive Naruto.

He walked outside to greet them.  Gaara ran over and hugged his father.

"Daddy look I made a friend" Gaara said.

"I can see that so Naruto what are you in the sand village" Rasa said.

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