Chapter 2

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((This chapter is mostly based on a cancelled clone wars episode))
(Ahsoka's POV)
As I continue downwards into the city, I think about how lucky I was to have found this speeder. Suddenly, there was a popping noise coming from inside the speeder and it started trailing smoke.

"Not good!" I worry to myself. The speeder started to jerk back and forth until I was nearly knocked off. Now I was hanging from the handles of the speeder, dangling and hoping I wouldn't crash into anything.

I flipped myself back on top of the speeder and it seemed to be working again.

All of the sudden the speeder froze in place.
"Oh no..."

Then, the speeder started to fall straight down from the sky. I panic for a second, but then I notice the wall next to me.

I jump off my speeder, leaving my hands on the handles as I run against the wall guiding myself to a nearby platform.

Instead of landing as I planned on the platform, I crashed down and the speeder wouldn't stop moving forward.

I tried to stop myself before the speeder would fall over the edge of the platform. Although, I couldn't stop myself completely, I had slowed it down enough that it didn't fly over the edge. I was hanging from the handle of the speeder, which was still on the platform above me.

I climb back up to the platform, and drag my speeder away from the edge.

"I should've known better then to trust a speeder sitting in the middle of the city!"
I say frustrated at myself.

"Need any help with that?" I hear a voice say from a distance.

I look over to see a boy, he looked about my age, maybe a little older. He had tanner skin, dark hair and eyes, with goggles on his forehead.

"Thank you, but I can.. Handle.. Myself..!" I reply to him as I struggle to drag the heavy speeder away from the edge.

"I'll take that as a yes, but I don't want to admit I need help." He answered confidently.

I roll my eyes annoyed as he walks over to help me. I grab one handle and he grabbed the other, and we dragged it over to the inside of the platform.

"Wow, that thing is actually heavier then it looks!" He laughed out of breath.

"Tell me about it.." I replied. "What is this place?" I continue as I look around at the inside of the platform. It looked like some type of store.

"Are you serious?" He asked implying that I should know what it was.

"Yes I'm serious!" I answer as I continue to look around curiously.

"Well, I'm a mechanic. People come here when they need something fixed. In your case, I guess it's luck you happened to crash here."  He explained to me.

"Oh I see, I happen to be pretty good at fixing things myself." I said with confidence.

"Ah okay, well how'd you learn?" He said obviously not impressed.

"Well, my mast- I mean, my friend taught me when I was younger." I stutter almost forgetting I shouldn't mention that I was a Jedi.

The Reunion-(Ahsoka's Untold story) A Star Wars Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now