~The Pool Party~

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Courtney's POV

The entire crew of TeamCrafted started doing some YouTube again. And while all of us kids were playing a board game we heard some shouting from upstairs. We are all at Bitch's house. "NO FAIR YOU CHEATED!" I heard Adam shout.

"DID NOT!" Jerome shouted as well



I yelled "IF YOU TWO DON'T HUSH UP I'LL COME UP THERE AND SLAP YOU BOTH!". Everyone laughed until Adam and Jerome came downstairs, smiling devishly coming closer to me. "Adam, Jerome.... What are you doi-" I was cut off when the two picked me up. "HEY MITCH? CAN I THROW YOUR DAUGHTER IN THE POOL?" Jerome called and I panicked "DAD... I SWEAR..."

"SURE! JUST TRY NOT TO INJURE HER! HER MOM WOULD MURDER ME!" Dad called from upstairs and I groaned "DAD, YOUR SOOOOO DEAD WHEN I GET UP THERE!" I heard some scuffling and all of a sudden all of us kids were picked up by different people. "leeeeez gooooo!!!" Dad called holding a squirming Amber. I looked over to also see Jordyn putting up a good fight with Ian. And now only Adam was holding me. "READY TO TAKE A SWIM DAWN? YOU ALWAYS COMPLAIN ABOUT HOW I NEVER TAKE YOU SWIMMING!" Adam smirked as he addressed poor Dawn being held by Seto.

"NUUUUUUU!" all of us kids cried and we were chucked into the pool. Well, most of us. Amber had kicked my Dad in the spot where the sun does not shine and he doubled over, and Amber escaped while Jordyn had managed to perform a bit of a backflip out of Ians grasp and bolted catching up to Amber as the two escapees ran to safety inside.

Bitch glared at Ty, who had thrown her in and said "I hate you," I looked over to where Amber and Jordyn had disappeared. "Hey guys! Amber and Jordyn got awa-" I was interrupted by Dad groaning "YOU DON'T SAY!" everyone laughed. "well-" I continue "we should go hunt them down!"


Sorry for such a short chapter. I got SERIOUS writers block then some personal issues came up, THEN I got a new puppy, BENTLEIGH THE GOLDEN RETRIEVER! So I'll try really hard to update! I'm almost at 10 SUBS!!!!!! :O maybe that's nothing to some of you, but to me that's a HUGE acheivment. :3 so that's all for today! I'll see you later Starites! Bai!

~The Legacy~ (A TC Fan-Fic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ