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Jordyns POV

I feel the bus come to a stop and look back to see where everyone went. They were all crowded together. I put my phone away and smiled. This was my eighth time on this bus. The other times had been to different destinations but whatever. I slung my backpack over my shoulder and walked to the front of the bus and stood by the doors.

"Ready Jordyn?" The driver asked like she always does. I nod and smile widely. "What are you doing?" I hear someone call from the back and I turn my head to see a girl with a pink streak and a everyone else staring at me curiously.

"You'll see!" I grin mysteriously.

Ambers POV

I see the girl in the front stand up and nod at the driver, standing in front of the doors. I stand up, drawing everyones attention. "What are you doing?" I ask. She grins.

"You'll see!" she says and right then, as we are pulling up to the camp, I notice there is a circle road, that loops around. As we begin the curve the driver opens the door and says "NOW!" to the girl.

"YOLO!!!!" The girl yells throwing her bag out, and leaps out, doing a summer sault and landing it. She laughs and retrieves her bag.

Roras POV

After the whole 'duck and roll' thing, the girl -Jordyn- made history. The counselor had glasses, a red and white checkered button up, with a white shirt underneath and brown hair. "Hello children. My name is Tyler. But you can also call me.." He begins to speak in a raspy old lady voice. "Aunt Janet!"

"OMG You really are MunchingBrotato!" Jordyn squeals. The rest of us look at her quizzically. "What?" She asks. Tyler is taken aback. "I didn't know kids your age still watched my videos." He laughed. Jordyn beamed. "Well you know, my dad sorta introduced me!"

"Well I need to make sure everyone is here!" Tyler begins.

"Jordyn Reese?" <A/N Idk Setos last name so I'm making it up> Jordyn raises her hand.

"Courtney... Hughes?!" He gasps. Courtney looks nervous as Tyler scans the list.

Tylers POV

'Hughes? Lox? Aceti? Probst? Dahlburg? TEAMCRAFTED!?' I thought in shock. But how? I look up at the campers. I turn to Courtney. "Is your fathers name Mitch by chance?" I see Jordyn cringe at the name. "Do you know my dad?" Courtney gasps. I look around the group. "Everyone? Say your dads name one at a time..." I ask slowly. I see them all look around, "Ty Lox." I hear a girl say. I look down at the list. "Thank you Amber."

"Mitch Hughes"

"Jason Probst"

"Ian Sundee. Of course, he had his last name changed not long before I was born."

"Quientin Evans"

"Adam Dahlburg"

"Jerome Aceti"

The only person who hasn't said is Jordyn. "Jordyn?" she doesn't respond, her mouth is wide open, and I see she is panicking. I watch as she darts off to her cabin, tears in her eyes. I remember how she flinched at the name Mitch, and how she said her father introduced her... SETO!

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