Prince Lotor

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 The Castle of Lions is silent. A lingering cold left by the dead. The people who once filled the ship with warmth and happiness, gone. 

 Lotor made his way onto the castle of lions without being caught, to get some information on the "great" paladins of Voltron. It wasn't easy, but he developed tech to allow him to get passed the security system unnoticed. 

 One paladin caught his eye. He wears blue armor but pilots the red lion, and the red paladin pilots the black lion. The Prince was positive Princess Allura didn't pilot a lion as she controlled the ships, but from what he gathered, she piloted the blue lion. 

 As the paladins eat dinner in the dining room, Lotor notices one not talking at all. He seems neglected alone like he is constantly about to cry. Lotor understands that look, that feeling. Hiding in the shadows, he watched with careful eyes and disdain towards his enemies. 

 The blue paladin leaves headed to the training room as Lotor follows silently. Lotor hides in a good place watching the blue paladin. 

"Level 18," the blue paladin prepares himself, ready to fire. It surprised the paladin when the bot appeared at a different and wasn't prepared for the kick that was directed at his stomach, sending him back into the floor. He grunted standing back up, not willing to go down without trying.

 The bot sprinted towards the paladin, and with quick thinking, he dodged by diving towards the floor and slid underneath the bot. He pulled his rifle up with speed and fired without hesitation. Lotor had lost his breath at the display, it was amazing to watch such fire in the paladin's eyes. 

"End training sequence!" The paladin yells and the bot falls though the floor. The paladin retracts his Bayard to its original form while wiping the sweat from his forehead.

 Lance leaves the room and Lotor followed silently, making himself smalled with his shifting abilities. He watched the paladin undress with no shame and appreciated the body that came into view. The paladin is lean, well built, long legs, golden skin, and chocolate brown hair. 

 "Lance? Where are yo-" the red paladin enters the bathroom seeing the blue paladin and his face flushes red. Lotor rose an eyebrow at the reaction. So far, no one as shown the blue paladin any interest or reactions. 

"I'm here." Lance turns around slowly looking at the red paladin. The blue paladin shows no embarrassment or anger at being interrupted, he was blank.

"So what do you need Keith?" Lance asks, wrapping a towel around his waist after turning the shower off. Keith had yet to remove his eyes from his teammate's body.

"If it's not important I'm going to my room." The blue paladin says coldly, eyes narrowed. "Never mind it's nothing Lance," the red paladin says walking away, cheeks pink.

 Lotor followed the paladin until he reached his room, and made sure to stay out of sight. 

After some time Lotor hears sniffles and quiet sobs. 'He is crying.' Lotor thought. 

 Lotor didn't pity the boy, but he wanted to protect him. He knows first hand what it means to be treated with no respect, hate, cruelty, but seeing someone else go through what he has, well, it made his blood boil. 

 The blue paladin needs protecting before he really does break and shatter into a million pieces of glass if he hasn't already.

Thank you for reading!

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