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{Park Jimin}

i trotted down the quiet stairs. i was heading to the kitchen for some water. but hearing my name being called multiple times in the conversation before reaching the kitchen, made me too curious to not eavesdrop.

"...guilty for rejecting your confession,"

i rejected a confession from him? how did i not know that? this can't be true. 

"....he fainted and remained unconscious for three weeks...."

why is my mother lying to this poor man? i don't remember any of this.

"...we confirmed later that he had selective amnesia and had almost forgot everything about or with you,"


"..only love can work such miracles,"

love, but i've never loved before.

what is this? it is all too much for my body to take. my breaths became choppy and unstable. my heart was now beating faster than how a race car drives on a track. air burned as it entered and left my nose. my airspace now airy and light, i felt the life being knocked from me.

the last thing i remember seeing was, my mother's shocked face before i hit the ground.

First Love [M.Y.G.⊹ P.J.M]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu