Twenty Eight

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Finn slowly attached his lips to mine and i kissed back, reaching my hands up and burying them in his thick curls. As his lips sloppily began to trail down my neck, i gripped his curls in my fists and confusion spread through me as they got shorter and less twirled. Before i could do anything, it was suddenly Jack and he unattached his lips to my neck and was looking me deep in my eyes, slightly out of breath. "Still think Finn's a better kisser?"

And then i woke up. It was a weird dream and i blushed, turning over. i had never even talked to jack, but i was so oddly drawn to him. i couldn't decide if it was out of jealousy or attraction.


"Finn..." i said softly, being pushed up against the wall. "Finn, stop-" He attached his lips to mine again and i felt myself start to lean in again. i pulled away, panting slightly, "Finn, you're gonna make us late." He smirked, "Fuck school." i felt tempted to agree as he grabbed my waist, and put his hand on my lower back, but i quickly stopped. i put my arm on his chest to hold him back. "No, don't say fuck school." Finn shrugged, "Fine, then I'll fuck you-" "Okay, Finn, that's enough." i pushed past him, going to pick up my backpack from my bed.

i looked back to see him fake frowning. "You know i was joking, right? I'd never do that, we're like two." "Never?" i smirked, raising an eyebrow. "You little-" He laughed and i quickly raced down the stairs giggling, Finn chasing after me.

"Oh, don't be a whore!" Sophia was yelling at Caleb as i sat down at our lunch table later that day. It was nice to have everyone sitting there. It didn't seem so empty. "Hey, Jack, where's Finn?" Wyatt asked, a mouth full of food. "Don't talk with your mouth full, that's gross." Millie replied, crinkling her nose. Wyatt and Jeremy put their pinkies out and made "huhhhh" type of sound. Millie sighed and lifted her eyebrows. "Oh, don't you two start-"

"Hello, I'm Millie Bobby Brown and i came in fifth grade all the way from England. This means i have all the proper etiquette, isn't that right Sir Jeremy?" Wyatt mocked her in a horrible British accent. "Why you are bloody right, my good sir!" Jeremy retorted, pretending to sip tea. Everyone laughed along and Millie rolled her eyes.

"I'm reminded as to why i don't go here anymore." "Then why are you transferring back, huh? You must've missed us?" Wyatt pouted, rubbing against Millie's arm like a dog. "Oy, get off." Millie scoffed. "How are you even here right now?" Finn jumped in as he sat down. "I'm "shadowing" Wyatt." She shook her head and sighed. "As if i didn't go here before."

"Well be glad you get to spend more time with me-" "Hey, guys." We heard a soft voice say and we all went silent and looked to see Noah standing there quietly, a tray in his hands. Everyone smiled and Millie jumped up, running over to him and beaming. "Noah bear, i missed you!" She kissed his cheek, putting her arm around his shoulders and leading him over to sit next to her. "It's good to have you back. What's poppin' Schnapp?" Wyatt patted his back lightly and Noah gave him an anxious smile.

"Not much..." He said, his voice so quiet we had to all lean in slightly to hear. "Uh-h-Hey. I'm-uh-I'm Jeremy." Jeremy stuck his hand out to Noah, stuttering nervously. Noah nodded and shook his hand lightly. "Hi.." We all looked at Jeremy with our eyebrows raised. He never stuttered or got nervous. He looked at us with wide eyes, signaling us to cut it out.

"I'm jack." i smiled, reaching a hand out. He looked up slowly and looked at me with a odd expression, as if he was scared. My smile faltered slightly out of fear i upset him. i frowned as he just kind of stared and tucked my hand away, looking to Finn who gave me an anxious glance. "So, how has everyone's day been?" Finn changed the subject quickly and everyone jumped in with responses.

i looked down at my lap, my cheeks flushed. i felt a weird emotion in my stomach. Noah probably blames me and hates me. But, for someone who probably hates me so much, i didn't understand why i kept catching him stealing glances at me for the rest of lunch.


i decided to skip sixth period all together and snuck out to the back of the school to smoke. Immediately after i lit the cigarette, i heard someone speak. "You shouldn't smoke you know." i looked up to see Jack standing there shyly, clearly disappointed.

i took it out from between my lips and let it rest between my fingers. "That's what I've heard." i said sarcastically, looking away. "Finn, p-please put it out." Jack's voice was so small and frail, i looked back at him alarmed. His stance was awkward and he was avoiding my eyes.

"Why won't you look at me?" My tone was harsher and louder than i intended. Jack shrugged, shifting nervously. No one had ever actually confronted me about not smoking. Sure my step-father told me constantly how he was the only one allowed to smoke in his house, but he never directly told me to stop either. But, if Jack wanted me to put out the cigarette, I'd put it out. I'd do anything for him.

i sighed and pressed it against the wall, rubbing my foot over it as i dropped it. "Thank you." Jack said quietly. i walked over to him and when i tried to touch him, he moved away slightly. i furrowed my brows and frowned. i was beginning to feel very hurt. "Babe, what's wrong?"

He looked up and i saw how sad he looked. "i thought you had quit smoking." What had made him think that? "Jack..." i laughed lightly in slight disbelief and it was his turn to furrow his brows, his eyes getting darker slightly. "Why are you acting like that's such a crazy concept?"

"Because, i-i.." He looked at me, waiting patiently for a reason. "It calms me down, i don't know.." i sighed, running a hand through my hair. "Finn, it's not good for you, it's not good for me."

"Okay, fine. I'll try to quit, alright?" i shrugged. Jack looked unconvinced, but nodded lightly. "Wait, do you promise?" i didn't speak for a moment, but took Jack's hand into mine. "i sincerely promise, Jack Grazer. And that's not a halfway promise where I'll quit for a while and go right back to, okay?" i said, watching as he nodded. "Happy?"

Jack shrugged and gave me a small smile. "Halfway happy." And with that, he walked away.

yee quick update, enjoy :)

also if i do a "get to know the author", would you guys have any questions?

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