Twenty One

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^my boy Benny lookin' like a snack

Some good ole fluffy happy funny (hopefully) stuff :)


"Benny 'The Jet' Rodriguez was your first childhood crush?" Finn giggled and i blushed into his chest. "Yes! Leave me alone!" i laughed, hitting him playfully. He lifted an eyebrow at me and turned back to continue watching "The Sandlot." "i mean, you can't blame me. He's a looker." i smirked.

Finn pretended to look offended and laughed, kissing my head. "You're way cuter though." i quietly said, playing with my hands. i could feel Finn smile as he pulled me closer to him, wrapping his arms around my waist. "i know." He whispered into my ear and i looked up at him to smile.

"Jack! The snack that smiles bacc." Finn sang and i burst out laughing again. "Double c." He added, grinning proudly. "Oh god." i shook my head, dropping my head on his chest. My door flung open and in walked Wyatt and Jaeden. Finn groaned. "Damnit Oleff, i thought you weren't gonna make me miserable anymore."

Wyatt replied with a small smile, "Sorry to interrupt. Thought I'd open the door and let in some fresh air, the gayness was suffocating." "Yeah well, you and Jaeden did just walk in." i smirked. Finn threw his head back in a short laugh and smiled at me. i smiled back. Wyatt rolled his eyes, a small smile still on his face. "Anyway, the real reason Jaeden and i interrupted the pornhub special..." Wyatt paused to shift through some papers he brought. i choked on my spit and Finn let out a low whistle, putting his hand to his chest. "Oof, Pasta head. That pornhub retort really hurt."

"Good." Wyatt mumbled, still shifting through his shit. "Tell me Wyatt..." Finn rolled out from under me to lay down on the end of the bed, resting his head innocently in his hands. "Does Jaeden like to call you noodles in bed?" Wyatt dropped his papers and cussed as Jaeden's face flushed a deep red. i snorted, covering my mouth with my hand. Finn smirked evilly as Wyatt looked up from getting his papers and jokingly glared.

"What does Jack call you emo who?" *insert picture here*

i snorted again and Wyatt smiled sweetly as Finn's face dropped

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i snorted again and Wyatt smiled sweetly as Finn's face dropped. Jaeden giggled as well, but Finn squinted his eyes at both of them and gave them a small, fake smile. "Actually, he calls me daddy." i stopped laughing and started having a coughing fit. The smirk was back on Finn's face and Wyatt and Jaeden stood there pale and wide eyed. Wyatt slowly looked to me in which i began to shake my head rapidly. "Wyatt, it's okay, i don't! i swear!"

i leaned down and hit finn in the side. "Finn!" i shrieked. He scoffed, laughing. "What? You want me to add that i call you Fred Savage?" My eyes went wide again and i blushed deeply, much to Finn's pleasure. "i swear, Jack-" Wyatt began, but i interrupted. "We haven't, Wyatt! I'm just a little boy!"

Wyatt lifted his eyebrows but sighed, shaking his head. "Okay..." He said slowly, flipping over a paper. "Back on track-" "You mean back on Fack." Finn smirked. Wyatt looked up and stared at Finn with a blank expression, not amused. Finn rubbed the back of his head and awkwardly cleared his throat. "K um..yeah...continue...."

"Back on track." Wyatt repeated firmly, looking quickly back up at Finn who was desperately trying to contain himself. "i managed to find out everyone's updated and current phone numbers. Except...." He trailed off, looking down the paper. "...Millie's." i could see Finn's face fall, clearly disappointed.

"It doesn't meant i won't find it, i uh-just haven't yet." Wyatt bit his lip, nervously shrugging. "Yeah, okay. It's fine." Finn nodded. No. It wasn't okay. Obviously, it wasn't fine. "I'll help you look for it Wyatt. I'll ask around." i smiled warmly and Finn glanced back at me to smile as well, i could tell he appreciated it.

Wyatt sighed, standing up from my desk. "Well Jaeden and i have plans with Chosen and Sophia so we'll catch you later." i nodded, smiling. "Have fun." "Not too much fun, whores." Finn corrected, sliding up from the end of the bed and back to me. i got comfortable in his arms again and breathed in his scent. Sweat, woodsy cologne...and something new. i furrowed my brows. The usual residue smoke smell had been replaced and a blush crept onto my face as i slowly recognized it smelt like my shampoo and conditioner.

hope you liked this chapter :) :)
Thank you guys so much for 18k and for being so active on the story, love you.

-bailey :)

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