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^they do always say 13's an unlucky number...
Jack's pov

My entire day consisted of Wyatt breathing down my neck, telling me which hallway to take, where to sit, and the places in school I should avoid. To say the least, it was annoying as hell. But, I know he was only doing it because he thought he was keeping me safe. Yet, at the same time, why does he care about Finn so much? And why does he act like he knows everything about him?

"Jack! Slow down!" Wyatt yelled as I tried to speed up while walking through the hallway, shoving past small crowds of people. I could hear Wyatt struggling to keep up, my smaller self being able to slip and sneak my way through with ease. I looked back to see I could no longer see him, and sighed in relief.

I jumped as I looked back ahead of me to see a smiling Sophia standing in front of me. "Jesus, Sophia! Don't do that." I clutched my chest. She giggled and raised her eyebrow. "Someone's out of breath. Running from something?" "N-no." I stuttered, trying to put on a convincing face. "You're a horrible liar. I know you're running from Wyatt."

She sees my eyes go wide and she laughs again, hitting my arm playfully. "Loosen up, I'm not gonna tell him. Trust me, he's been doing it to everyone all day." She rolls her eyes and I laugh slightly. "Also-" she pulls me closer so I can hear her whisper. "-don't let Wyatt know I told you, but I saw Finn behind the school." I smiled at her, and she smiled back. "Thanks, Sophia." "No problem, Grazer." And with that, I excitedly made my way to the West stairwell.

Finn's pov

I puffed out a cloud of smoke from my cigarette, before putting it out against the wall of the school. Looking back, I smiled as I saw Jack walking towards me. "Finnie!" He squealed, running up to me. I laughed as he embraced me into a hug. "Where the hell have you been all day, baby?" I asked, looking down at him in my arms.

He looks at my chest instead of my eyes, and gives me a look that says, "I don't know if I should tell you." "Jack, you can tell me." He sighs, parting from my arms. "Okay...Wyatt was keeping me away. But, please don't get mad at him. Please." Jack grabs my hand and squeezes it, pleading with his brown eyes.

I bite my tongue to keep from saying something insulting, and clear my throat. "You're mad." Jack says, disappointed. "I knew I shouldn't have told you." He looks down, frowning. I lift his chin so his eyes can meet mine. "I'm not mad. I promise." "But-" "I keep my promises. I've told you that."

"I know." Jack gives me a small smile, and I smile back at how adorable he is. "Gosh, you're cute." I pinch his cheek and he blushed, swatting my hand away. "You sound like my grandma." He giggles. I lean close to him and kiss his cheek. "Oh how much you've grown, Jackie!" I say in a crackly voice, tickling him. "F-finn!" He laughs, wiggling out of my grasp.

I sigh and stop tickling him, slumping down to the ground against the school wall. He sits down next to me, leaning against my chest. He mimics my breathing and we sit there, silently, holding hands. "Mrs. Peterson's gonna kill me for missing her class." Jack mumbles. I laugh lightly. "Yeah, well, this is better than her class anyway. Right?" "This is better than everything." I feel jack snuggle into me more, smiling.

"Jack." A firm voice says and I look up to see him. Jack lifts his head off my chest and scrambles off the ground. "W-Wyatt-" Jack begins to stutter, looking back and forth between me and Wyatt wildly. Wyatt looks at me with fiery eyes and I stand up slowly, putting my arm in front of Jack to signal him to stand behind me. "Oleff." I nod, glaring slightly.

I see Wyatt's fists are clenched, shaking slightly with anger. He walks towards me and I sigh, preparing myself to handle the foolishness of his rage. He tries to take a swing at me, and I duck. He spins around as his fist makes contact with only the air. He growls and comes at me again, missing as I move to the side. Wyatt falls forward and I laugh slightly. "You done?" I ask, but he stands up once more.

Shaking with deepened rage, he charges at me and attempts another swing. This time, I catch his fist and hold it. He looks at me in surprise and I see out of the corner of my eye that Jack is in shock too. He flinches in discomfit as I heighten my grip on his fist. "F-Finn." I hear jack's small voice say, looking back to see his eyes are filled with tears.

I sigh, clearing my throat, and lean closer to Wyatt. His eyes are scared now and mine are burning with hatred. "This isn't my first fist fight, Wyatt." I growl through clenched teeth. "Don't think you can come here with your ridiculous head of noodle hair and anger and try to make me feel worse for what I've done."

Wyatt gulps and I release my grasp as he stumbles back slightly. I look at him and shake my head. "That's my job." And with that, I leave him there.

okay you can breathe now...

also I wanna know your opinions on ships. who do you guys ship and who do you not?

-bailey :)

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