Don't worry about me (Shot-1)

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Note- this shot will begin after Om pushes Ri away.. ps- it's too lengthy.. Sorry😅
"I'll feel the fear for you, I'll cry your tears for you
I'll do anything I can to make you comfortable
Even if I fall down when you're not around
Don't worry about me, don't worry about me"

I'll climb the hills you face, I'll do this in your place
I'd do anything to go through it instead of you
But even if I fall down when you're not around
Don't worry about me, don't worry about me

- Don't worry about me[Frances]

She dragged her lethargic body, which seemed to have stopped obeying her  commands and threw herself on the bed and curled up in a ball and hugged herself and let her tears slide down her cheeks as if they were a cascade.

She felt lethargic, she carved for comfort but she had none except silence and darkness, her only constant accomplice throughout life.

The comfort of silence was eerie yet comforting it made her realize that no one cares about her.

She was done being strong when her insides were breaking down real bad. No one knew the pain she was going through, she had only dreamt of a family whom she could call hers.
Whom she could share her joys' and pain with .Was it too much too ask for? But now it seemed that dream was far from her reach.

Only if she was liberious.
She wouldn't have been empathetic, only if ..... Then Om and Tej wouldn't have shouted at her because she crossed the line, accused her saying that she didn't care. She didn't care?? It felt like everyone was mocking at her selflessness.

And Om shouted at her she was trying to break the family further. Pinky taunting her saying why was she trying to be mother India? And Dadi begging her not to create more chaos in the family? And Jhanvi gave her a disappointed look saying that she didn't expect this from her. All curses were hurled at her from the corner of her eye she saw Tia and Svetlana smirk she didn't care. She could see only two sympathetic glances towards her one was Shakti the other was Rudy.

What hurt her the most was Om's behaviour didn't he realize why was she doing this? Didn't he realize she was trying to keep the family intact.. when others were trying their best to break the family by hurling accuses on each other and acting snobbish.

Wasn't she acting more than matured for her age? And mothering everyone around her.. wasn't she looking about everyone's need except her's? Did he turn a blind eye to the woman he claimed to love with all his heart and soul?

His vows of love which he confessed to her during the Ajay ficaso all seemed ingenuine,the feeling of ingenuity hit hard. She could feel everyone's heart breaking. But could anyone see her heart breaking?

Or were they'll all too oblivious in their grief and lamenting that they had forgotten that they had laden young tender arms with lots of load. Load too heavy for her to carry. Not that she wasn't used to such load. Labor was kind of her shadow since childhood, she didn't worry about that .

But the emotional pain was taking a toll on her . She sure was a warrior in the battle of life. But never had any battle made her stone hearted, each battle had taught that life was only meant to be cherished. The sole purpose of life was to cherish what little joy it gave you.

She always had craved for a family? Not did she never had one,she had. But she had very little right to claim that as hers .

And here came the ghosts of her past.. it always is a lie let the dead bury their own past.

Burying the past was a lie told to soothe oneself . Leaving the past behind you was a lie. Past always remained intact with you. The past remains in you at your most vulnerable days it comes back with its claws piercing through you and breaking you again.

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