Chapter 6: You're still beautiful

Start from the beginning

Jungkook giggle at how ticklish when Jin lifting him up. "Yeah, I'm glad too. I hope I can get out of the hospital as quickly as possible and to see our new dorm that you guys keep talking about". Right...I just remember that Jungkook forgot about our 'new dorm' that we moved last few months ago and we had just moved again to our 'latest dorm' a few days ago. Sigh. There is too many events this year that I can't keep track on. And that's mean there'll be too many things to explain to Jungkook. "I know. I can't wait to show you your new room, how's the dorm looks like...the place...all of them. Oh! And I also can't wait till you get home coz I'm gonna cook you something special. It'll be one of your favourite", Jin exclaim sounding really excited that the maknae will recover in no time.

The maknae smile even wider. I sense the 'I can't wait to getting out from the hospital' from him. Jin look at the time and it almost 2 o'clock. "Lunch. I'll go get you something to eat okay? The hospital food isn't that tasty anyway. So you have to return to your room first and be a good boy and wait for your food to come". The maknae just nod. Jin tilt his head at me making me raising my brows. "What?". "Yoongi, could you please watch over Jungkook and walk him back to his room for awhile?", Jin ask me kindly.

Heh, this guy is too formal. We're family. Why wouldn't I want to send Jungkook? Only an arrogant member says no and walk off. "Of course I could. You guys go and get the food". Jin smile and shake his head up and down. He put Jungkook on a wheel chair carefully and look at him before he leave. He then signal the other to follow him and before they can exit the rehab room, I say out loud, "Don't forget to buy me a bag of nachos with cheese dip". Hobi put his tumbs up, understanding. I move my sight towards the maknae who look at me back silently. Hmph. I know that look too well. He used to give me 'that look' in one of the show we had been back in LA. When the member ask him to try and immitate me infront of the audience.

Sigh. He never does that anymore. So it's good to see that he's doing it again. Even tho the future him is way mature that the past him but at the same times he's not. He's still the same person even with his memory lost. "Let's get you to your room shall we?". The maknae nod slowly. I move to the back of the wheel chair and start to push him out of the room and walk along the corridor. I can still see Jungkook randomly stare at me everytime he get the chance and play with his finger. Wow...he's nervous. "Jeon Jungkook, why are you being anxious about? I'm not gonna eat you or anything". I can see his eyes widen for abit and avoiding any eye contact. "Sorry hyung. I doesn't mean to-".

"I know". I cut his sentences. "You're just being your past 'you'. So there is no need for you to be afraid of. We're family. We don't hurt or harm each other". I try to look at his reflection as we wait infront of the elevator. "You hadn't give me that kind of look in awhile. But don't worry. Even tho you are not the present him, you are still the same person. Cowered over something like 'oh god, I must not try to mess with this hyung' or 'if I try to do anything that would displeased him, I bet he'll kill me'. But seriously, how can a person who likes lamb skewer as much as me would go around nervous in the slightest detail? I'm a human too you know. And I am 100% non-cannibal human type".

The elevator open the door and we let ourselves in. Jungkook tilt his head up. Try to reach my view. "We ate lamb skewer...together? Just us?". I match my sight by lowering my head. "Yes but since we were in a tight schedule over the months, we haven't went to eat it again at our regular place. But we could go there again when you all heal up". Jungkook give me a small but visible smile. The elevator open the door to our selected floor and I start to push him again straight to his room. After putting him on the bed, I rest my body on the plastic chair at the right side of the bed. Jungkook peek at me for a second before asking me. "How do I looked like?".

"What do you mean by how you looked like?". He avert his eyes from me and on the blanket. "You know...what kind of person is this 'present' me? You said I'm more mature than the me now in this state but still the same. So I was kinda curious at how much I've grown". The kids got the point. "Well, from what I've seen, your attitude towards your hyungs are still the same as always. Spoiled and act like the oldest when we know that the fact jin is the eldest. Also you know how our line of work function. So our hair style and color pretty much change every few months". I stare deeply at the maknae's dark ebony orbs. "But one things that's never change is you yourself. You're still beautiful as always". I don't know why but I swear I see Jungkook blush.

Author's note:

Hey look! An update. The wifi here is abit low but I manage to survive.

Okay. There you have it. I actually having fun right now. Today is the third day I'll be staying in Kota Kinabalu and if I have to say it in one words. It is AWESOME! My sister mostly get what she wanted. Red converse which representing Namjoon, piercing hat and black mask which represent Suga, long earings representing V and J-Hope fashion style clothes. Me on the other hand gets what left of the member. I've got Jimin's look alike abs that I work hard on for the past few years (not gonna lie. It is pretty exhausting to make one but worth it), Jin's hair cut and Jungkook's multi pierce.

I'm actually kinda sad that they doesn't have any anime shop here in this country but I've found myself a bunch of action figures of the straw hat pirate crew from the anime one piece for my collection. I have 2 Monkey D. luffy's (the one in his former and the time skip), Roronoa Zoro before the time skip and Sanji Vinsmoke after the time skip. I glad I'm going here. Too many korean tourist comes here and my sister was like 'gosh, look at their naturally pearl white skin. I wish I have one'. No kidding. They are even whitier that me and have clean face... Okay, I think this is it guys. I'll be updating the next chapter when I gets home. For now, me and my sister going to enjoy our family vacation.

Like always...Army💕 love you guys always and never stop giving your love towards Our one and only BTS. Love youself, love myself. This is Seven Sean, peace and I'm out.

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