jealousy | losers'

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- 6/10
- he feels more confident sometimes and less confident other times so it kind of depends on that
- on a bad day he would get snappy with whoever he's jealous over and put his hand around your waist
- although normally he'd stay civil and talk it out with you

- 8/10
- he would def fight someone he thought was flirting with you
- before he throws hands, he gets really protective of you
- he'll also bring up good things about himself and be super obvious that you're dating

- 7/10
- he's definitely a worrier so he gets worried that you found someone better
- he'll complain about wanting to leave wherever you are so that's become kind of a code for you
- you know he's jealous when he starts whining and you try to make him feel better

- 10/10
- he's very very protective of you
- he's the boyfriend that would straight up growl when he's jealous
- he also gets really grabby and shit so you always can tell when he's jealous
- he would just stand behind you and whisper in your ear and kiss your neck

- 4/10
- he trusts you but gets jealous sometimes
- usually he only gets jealous when people are obviously flirting with you
- all other times though ben knows you're just talking
- when he's jealous ben gets all flustered and sweaty

- 2/10
- pure bean who trusts you
- would never jump to the conclusion that you're cheating or flirting with someone else
- he would only get jealous if someone was being obviously romantic towards you
- especially if you're uncomfortable
- he's also the most subtle about jealously
- he would just hold your hand and talk to you about it later

- 9/10
- she would actually fight whoever makes her jealous
- she would try to get you to leave the conversation
- she also gets pretty snippy with whoever you're talking to
- she might not be as physical as the others when she's jealous but bev is definitely verbal about her jealousy

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