thanksgiving with them | cast

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- you help with the cooking and that's almost as much fun as dinner
- you wear fuzzy socks and slide around the kitchen as you help with various tasks
- you spend all day at his house prepping and then at 6:00 ish your fam comes over for dinner
- jaeden holds your hand under the dinner table
- "let's go around and say what we're thankful for"
- "i'm thankful to be dating such a beautiful girl"
- "aw, i love you jae bae"

- it's wild man
- he has one of the least traditional dinners ever
- its not even thanksgiving dinner, it's thanksgiving lunch
- but it still means so much to you and finn
- it's more of a friend event than a family event
- you all meet at finn's house and have tacos with potato chips and pudding for dessert or something crazy like that
- you're all sarcastic when saying what you're thankful for
- "i'm thankful for everyone here except y/n because she sucks and i hate her"
- "well i'm thankful that finn is so ugly that i look cuter standing next to him"
- his friends calling you couple goals

- he's actually super stressed
- idk i just feel like big events would stress the poor bean
- he'd spend weeks planning the color scheme and menu and schedule and all that
- you're fam would make half of the food and his would do the other half
- you'd have it at your house and jack would dress up a l o t
- you'd be wearing like a casual dress from somewhere like f21 and he'd wear a suit
- you would host post about it and the fans would go nuts

- similar to jaeden, you'd help cook the food
- you're family has a tradition that if you want your s/o to come over for holidays, you two have to make all of the food
- you and wy put on your aprons because you're gonna bring it
- you two pretend you're on a show like chopped and act all serious but in a goofy way
- he'd probably film it as a youtube video
- dinner would be so fun though
- sure you lowkey over cooked the sweet potatoes and the green beans are a little cold but it's the thought that counts
- you're parents love that he spent the whole day cooking with you so they approve of him which makes you both so happy
- "i'm thankful i got to spend the whole day with little ugly"
- "i'm thankful that i got to spend the day with my video game obsessed babe"

- he would be so happy that you could be together on thanksgiving
- "it's gonna be great y/n you'll love it so much!"
- his family always is extra, but since you're coming he makes them be even more extra
- "i wasn't sure how you liked your eggs so we did them all"
- he hugs you as soon as you show up and compliments how you're dress goes with your eyes
- "stunning as ever baby"
- "and you look dashing too jer"
- he blushes like 80% of the time at dinner

- it would be a lowkey formal event
- like her wear a button down shirt, suit pants and a tie and you'd have a nice dress and flats
- but like his fam is the sweetest everrrr
- they talk with you and keep conversation up the whole time cuz they genuinely want to know the person chosen's dating
- chosen would hold your hand under the table and squeeze every here and there
- you two would share looks and smiles all throughout dinner
- his parents would def compliment you and you would compliment their cooking
- the food is honestly so good though like 10/10 would recommend

- like finn she has a friendsgiving
- her brother is there and so is your sibling (if you have one) but it's mainly just friends
- it's very casual, but you still have the traditional foods
- a day or so before thanksgiving you all got together to cook and then had a sleepover after and it was so fun omfg
- you and sophia ended up covered in flour and powdered sugar
- so many inside jokes were made
- you two flirt all of dinner
- your friends would take random videos of you and sophia being super couple goals and post them on snap

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