Jason// Mistletoe

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She turns to me, red-faced and mouth open. "Jason!"

I look down sheepishly, trying not to laugh. "Sorry it just came out."

She rolls her eyes and then Will gets our attention; it's our turns.

I watch her pull back the bow string. She focuses intensely on the target before letting go —

Right as a bee flies past her face and she jumps. The arrow zips past the target and sticks at the base of a tree, barely missing it.

We all stare for a second before everyone starts laughing. She gets pink, then red, and crosses her arms.

I wrap an arm around her shoulders. "Hey, it's ok. Maybe Will is going to let you try again?" I glance at said person.

Grinning wide, he replies, "No, one shot per person."

       "Oh. Sorry, (y/n)."
       She just shrugs. "It's just a little competition. It's no biggie."

       I smile a little and move to take my shot. Once I let go of the arrow, it hits the second ring from the center.

       Unfortunately, the closest shot was a bullseye, and the farthest was at the base of a tree. (*ahem (y/n)*).

       Piper (who obviously isn't Jason's girlfriend in this story) ended up getting the bullseye, somehow, so she gets to choose the truth or dare.

Your POV

       "Truth or Dare?"

       You want to be safe and say truth, but truth can be just as dangerous as dare. But maybe Jason will think of you as daring and not cowardly if you choose dare?

       No. Don't think like that, just pick what you want.....

       But maybe truth would seem more daring?


       "Ok, who's your interest?"

       "Like a crush? No. Dare."

       Piper looks disappointed, but then lightened up. She steps forward and whispers in my ear what the dare will be.

Time skip

Jason bugged you all day, asking about the dare, but you refused to tell him. The dare was a little weird.

But he was on the verge of being annoying. You two are walking around, and he asks again.

"Please? Maybe I can help?"

You grumble a little. "I don't think you can. Why do you want to?"

"Because I have nothing to do and I'm curious." Also because Piper's 'truth' was 'who is your crush', so the dare might be to ask out her crush out and I want to know who that is, Jason thinks. "Can you at least tell me what it is?"


"Why not?"

"Because you might think I'm, uh.... strange for doing the dare."

"It's not like you got a choice, it's a dare as result of completely missing the target."

You glare at him, but he just laughs.

"The others did their dares. They lived. I'm gonna find out either way, because you have to do it sometime today."

For a moment, you contemplate whether or not to tell him. You figure he's right. He'll probably find out either way.

"Ok, fine. I've been wanting to decorate for Christmas, so I put up some decorations. One decoration being a mistletoe at the dining pavilion. I thought it'd be cute to see all the couples get caught under the mistletoe. But my dare..."

"Do you have to kiss someone under the mistletoe?"

You nod slightly. "The first person to walk under it while I stand there, waiting, I have to kiss." You start to panic at the thought. Now that you've said it out loud yourself, it seems more real.


You bite your lip, feeling your nerves start to work up. You kind of hoped he'd be even a little upset, maybe he'd want to be the one.... but evidently not. He doesn't seem to care. And the idea of standing and waiting under the mistletoe, waiting for the first person who happens to be there? You'd have to follow through. You had promised that you'd do whatever dare you got. You'd have to run out after that, there is NO way you'd stay after kissing them. You could picture exactly what would happen. They'd walk past, and you'd hesitate. Then you'd have to run up and kiss them. They'd push you away before you could break away yourself, look at you in disgust, at the random girl who'd kissed them, and after you'd left, they'd talk to their friends about it, and then others would hear —

"(Y/N)!" You finally hear Jason call your name. You snap out of your anxious thoughts.

"Huh?" You realize you'd stopped walking, for who knows how long. "I— I'm sorry, I spaced out."

"It's ok, what's wrong?"

"I... I don't want to do it. I don't know if I can." You wrap your arms around yourself. Jason knows about your social anxiety.

He puts his hands on your shoulders. "You don't have to if you don't want to. Piper would understand."

"No. I promised I'd do it, I'm going to do it."

He sighs. "Whatever you decide." You walk around with his arm around your shoulders.

Time skip

You pace at the pavilion. What are you going to do? Is there any way to avoid it? Piper was very specific— a kiss on the lips.

Then you hear footsteps. You close your eyes. Are you at all ready for this?

You focus on the steps as they come up the hill and into the pavilion. But they stop. Somewhere behind you.

Cautiously, you turn around. Your eyes widen and you freeze. "Uh, hi, um... Jason."

He scratches his head nervously. "Uh, hi."

"You must have forgot about my dare? I don't have to, I mean I could wait for the next person if you're uncomfortable."

"Ah, yeah, *ahem*, forgot. But a dare's a dare, right?"

"Uh, yeah. Sure. I apologize ahead of time, I've never kissed anyone before." You awkwardly walk towards him. You take a deep breath, and he looks down. "Sorry, I'm making to much of a deal out of this. I should probably get it done so you can go do whatever."

He just lets out a deep breath, still looking down. "(Y/n)... I didn't forget about the dare. I knew what I was doing."

You pause a moment, thinking of what that means and what to say. "Oh. So you mean my anxiety? Did you come so it wouldn't have to be a totally random person for me? Thanks, I guess it does help a little. I —"



He looks up, directly at you, though his cheeks are red. "I knew what I was doing, and I didn't want someone else getting here first, but not because of your nerves. I—" he stops and swallows.

You start picking at the stitching on your pants. What is he getting at? Why else would he be there? A tiny voice told you that you know why, but you push it down.

"I'm here because I don't want anyone else to kiss you, and... I want to kiss you. Agh! Sorry! I don't mean to be so blunt, I just... yeah. Uh..." he runs a hand down his face.

"You... to..... me?" Oh how words fail when you need them most.

Your look of astonishment turns into a smile. You get up on your tiptoes (or not if you're tall) and kiss him. He smiles in the kiss, and his hands caress your face.

A dare's a dare, right?

HoO // Guys x Reader one shotsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum