Chapter 2

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Cora sat in the auditorium. She had managed to run home at lunch (Well I say run... Terry gave her a lift) she walked through the school with her seven string Ibenez Guitar secured on her back, out of everything she owned it was her most prized possession.

Jonathan sat in the corner of the room, music wasn't his interest. "Cora Draper!" The teacher yelled
"Present." The teacher looked up as the class went quiet. "I have my own instrument."

Cora sat on the only available chair. Jonathan watched her as she tenderly took out her guitar, plugging it into a portable amplifier. "So, who can play an instrument?" Cora put her hand up. Miss Woods nodded.

Soon after the class was crashing around on any instrument they could find. Jonathan watched Cora as she tuned up. "So Cora... What instruments can you play?" He asked cautiously.
"Guitar, acoustic and electric. Drums, base guitar, keyboard and I'm okay on the turntables." She replied.
"Can... I hear you play?..." Cora nodded.

The class went quiet as Cora nodded. She took her guitar pick and strummed a tune. "Originally this song is performed with an acoustic.. But I don't have one with me" Miss Woods came out of seemingly nowhere with one.
"Its tuned up.."

Cora nodded and started to play. Singing and she strummed "this world will never be... What I expected... And if I don't belong... Who would have guessed it.. And I have left alone everything that I own, to make you feel like, its not to late, its never to late.."

The class had their jaws hung open. Jonathan watched as occasionally she wiped a tear from her eye. Cora Draper... The bad girl.. Actually had feelings...


Jonathan had just finished his homework, his mum and dad where still working. Jonathan sighed and went onto YouTube. He hummed and typed in "Kayos"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2018 ⏰

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