Norma Day - Part One (Happenings)

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Note to Reader: Norma Days are when Norma takes over and looses control. To explain how it makes me feel and what's going on with me, I will put it here in Sides words. This... This is going to be bad. Very, very bad. I can't even put all the triggers that are probably going to be in here. I'm sorry...

Warnings: Anger. Depression. Lashing out. Violence. Self hate. Hate in general. Suicidal thoughts? Self harm? Lots of emotional pain. Fear. Controlling, dark fear that leads to anxiety attacks. Yep. Sorry, again. Sorry.

"Because you aren't.... every other guy. You're different. You're good, and kind. You're decent. And I didn't deserve to be with someone like you. I never would. I would have ruined you. It wasn't you. It was me."

Norma was practically vibrating, she was shaking so badly. Regina looked at Hari. She'd been getting worse all day... Slowly at first. A little huff here. A little snap there. Cato had kept her under control so far, up until now. Now he was paying the price for it.

Cato was curled up on the ground, hands in his hair, eyes shut tight, jaw working stiffly as he tried to scream or say something but it wouldn't obey him. He remained silent. His knees pressed into his chest and his entire body was stiff.

"Hari she's losing control again," Regina warned very seriously, fear growing in her eyes.

"I... I... Where's Train?"

There was a scream. Regina didn't even look at Hari. She took off running, her feet hitting hard, pushing her forward. She skidded into Train's bedroom, slamming into the wall as she was unable to stop herself. Train was sitting on his bed, feet planted on the ground and bent double so that his forehead touched his knees. His hands were clamped around the edges of his sheets and loud, throat-ripping screams were coming from his mouth.

Reg moved quickly to him, grabbing each side of his head and forcin him to look at her. "Train. Train. I need you to stop. You're givijg Norma power. I need you to breathe, Train. Hey. Hey, look at me. Come on. Please."

But it was too late. They'd pushed Norma aside too long.

"Hari," Regina realized, her heart freezing in her chest, spreading cold ice through her veins and chilling her to the bone. Cold so intense it was hot. Burning. Cold that made her sluggish. Cold that made her curl into herself cold that made her body lock and seize up and want to melt away.

She had to get to Hari.

Reg forced herself to her feet. She had to be the hero. The untouchable, strong one who could fix anything. She was a princess damn it. A tough, badass princess. She stumbled and placed her hand on the wall. 

As she struggled, she couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. Something was wrong. All of her effort was focused on her standing that it took far too long or her to realize what it was. When she did-

Her eyes widened and she looked back.

Oh no.

The thing wrong. The off feeling - It had come from an unexpected, sudden change.

Train had gone quiet.

He was still. Limp. He lay on his bed, completely passed out. And dark tendrils of the Cage were wrapping around him, like a black hand made of dark mist. twisting its nasty fingers around him. His body moved as the hands pulled him back and away.

Regina tried to get to him. Tried to save him. But she stumbled.

Before she could do it, he was gone. The dark, smoke like mist that was impossible to see through had completely overtaken him. He was locked in the Cage. Regina's hand flattened against the hard, invisible wall of darkness that seemed weirdly not solid for how hard it felt.

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