Kavita Arrested!

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Swara goes out to go to "Sunshine Orphanage". She takes the Rickshaw and arrives at the Orphanage. She enters inside. She asks the worker of the orphanage about Sanav.

Swara: Is there anyone named Sanav?

Lady: As far as I know, there is no one named Sanav.

Swara: Are you sure?

Lady: I can check...

She goes to the file room, she checks for Sanav's name.

Lady: No, there is no Sanav.

Swara: Wait, I have a photo of that person.

Swara shows the photo.

Lady: I know him, he used to live here...

Swara: What!? Can you explain me in more details?

Swara takes her phone out and videos the lady.

Lady: He is Krish and the 3 year old girl is Kritika aka Kitu. Krish and Kritika were very close, they were like brothers and sisters. Krish came to the orphanage when he was 3 Months Old, his relatives dropped him here as his parents passed away due to an accident. Then a month ago someone called I can't remember, but her name was Kavita something...

Swara: Thank you, thank you ever so much...

Lady: My pleasure, and yes the lady adopted Kritika as well, few days after Krish.

Swara runs off in hurry. She takes the Rickshaw and heads to Sanav/Krish's school.

Swara [Thinking]: Now only Krish can answer me...

Swara reaches at school. She goes to reception.

Swara [To receptionist]: Can I meet Sanav? Something really important, we have to attend a sudden family meeting, and it's necessary for all of us to be there.

Receptionist: Ok, who are you mam?

Swara: I am Sw... Kavita, Kavita Verma...

Receptionist: Ok, let me check... Mam, I emailed Sanav's teacher. Sanav will be here in 2 minutes.

Sanav/Krish comes there. He gets surprised seeing Swara. Swara indicates him to keep quiet.

Swara: Oh there, my son is here, thank you, we should proceed.

Receptionist: Bye Sanav, see you tomorrow then.

Swara steps outside. She takes the Rickshaw. Sanav/Krish questions her.

Sanav/Krish: Aunty, why did you take me along, and where are we going?

Swara: I will answer all of your questions when we reach the police station.


Swara: Yes...

They reach the police station.

Swara [To police]: Hello Inspector, I am Swara.

Police: Hello, what is the matter?

Swara: So basically, this boy next to me is being used, he is being threatened by his adoptive mother Kavita Verma. His name was changed to Sanav Verma and his adoptive mother is trying to prove that he is the son of me and my husband Sanskar Maheshwari. I have evidence to support my point. Firstly this photo, which was taken 4 months ago, I have noticed the date behind it. Secondly this statement of the Orphanage Worker. You could check it and if you think its fake then you can investigate it by going to that Orphanage.

Police watches the video.

Police: Thank you for the evidence, we have to take the statement of this boy. [Asks Sanav/Krish] Come with me dear, don't be afraid.

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